Találatok a következőkre: Nem találhatók eredmények a következőre: Photographers (202)Photos (294) All artists All styles Realista fotográfia Festőies fényképezés Dokumentarista Absztrakt All subjects Portré Akt Tájkép Eseményfotó Életkép Csendélet Tudományos, műszaki Illusztrációs fotó Képzőművészeti fotó *osszes_tag* Price 0 - 100 000 Ft 100 000 - 300 000 Ft 300 000 - 500 000 Ft 500 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 2 000 000 - 5 000 000 Ft 5 000 000 - 10 000 000 Ft 10 000 000 Ft - 0 - 248 EUR 248 - 745 EUR 745 - 1 242 EUR 1 242 - 2 484 EUR 2 484 - 4 968 EUR 4 968 - 12 419 EUR 12 419 - 24 838 EUR 24 838 EUR - HUF EUR i Delete all filters More filters Delete all filters Choose a color! Photo history 1839- c.1853 The invention of photography, the beginning of its spread (daguerritis, Talbotipia, wet process) 1850- c.1870 Handcrafted Age of Photography (Visiting Cards, Dry Plates) 1875- c.1918 Photography becomes massive (industrial instead of handmade) c.1900 - c.1947 The specialization of photography, the independence of artistic photography (evolution of duplication processes) c.1948 - c.2000 The Age of Analog Photography c. 2000 - until today The gradual gain of digital photography Creator intent *photo_creator_intent_admin_0* *photo_creator_intent_admin_1* *photo_creator_intent_admin_2* *photo_creator_intent_admin_3* Originality *original_admin* *reproduction_admin* 2 - Copy List Result / Page 25 50 150 All Default Sort by name Most recent first Price by rising Price by descending
Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming auctions, exhibitions, and newly arrived works of art. Give your personal data:* *newsletter_name* E-mail address I accept the Privacy policy * Step-by-step We are making Hungarian painting world famous! Certificate of authenticity for every work of art Personal viewing in the gallery Free painting valuation Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any... Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube The site uses cookies to enhance user experience. Browsing this page, you agree to this. Details" Accept
Step-by-step We are making Hungarian painting world famous! Certificate of authenticity for every work of art Personal viewing in the gallery Free painting valuation
Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube