Dr. Csörgeő, Tibor Budapest, 09.01.1896. - 29.07.1968., Budapest
Lawyer, bank officer, photographer.
He was photographing since his high school age and won his first exhibition award at the photo exhibition of the High School. He was a prestigious creator of classical photography, which draws on the light-shadow contrast to the fullest from popular folk themes known as the Hungarian style. His pictures are characterized by the choice of theme, disciplined composition and perfect elaboration. After high school he enrolled at the law university.
1915–1918: He lived as a bank officer and was the chief cashier of the Hungarian General Credit Bank in József Nádor Square.
1939-1944: He was a soldier.
At the end of 1945 he was retired from the bank.
1945-1946: He worked at Angelo's studio, and on the basis of his request to the Ministry of Industry, he made a master exam.
1947-1950: He worked as an independent photographer in the lobby of his co-rental apartment.
1948: He became a member of the Quality Photo Collective (the organization of independent photographers) and worked for the Trade Union Center.
1950: He joined the Photo Small Manufacturing Producer Cooperative, and after it’s nationalization he became a member of the Hungarian Photo State Enterprise.
1948-1950: He was an instructor at the Photographer and Optician's Industrial School;
From 1950: He was a lecturer at the Photographic Department of the High School of Fine Arts. Head of the Technical Minimum of the Hungarian Photo and the Metropolitan Photo, Head of Trade and Financial Workers' Trade Union Photographic Circle. His artistic career was initiated by Ernő Vadas. He also had a close relationship with Rudolf Járai and Kálmán Szöllősy.
From 1934: He was the managing director of the Hungarian General Credit Bank Sports Association's photo department;
1942: He was a member of EMAOSZ. In the thirties and forties, domestic and foreign journals published their pictures and articles.
He played an important role in the life of the amateur movement of the age, one of the founding members of the Association of Hungarian Photographers, while being honored with honorary membership of English, Italian, Japanese, Belgian and Dutch photo clubs. (Western International. Photography London, Salon of Phot., Japan, Cercle Royal d 'Études Photographiques and Scientifiques d’Anvers (Belgium), Focus Foto Salon Amsterdam. He was a co-worker of Zeiss-Icon, Agfa, Francke and Heidecke, Voigtländer. His Pezsgőfürdőtitled artistic recording was the first Hungarian underwater photographie, and it was on 111 exhibitions, and he won an incredible number of awards for it. One of the initiators of color photography at the end of the 1930s: 1937: one of the first performers, who is accompanied his presentation by colorful slides at EMAOSZ. As a result, he was invited to the rochester Kodak production, and in 1942 he received a state grand prize for his colorful slides.
1945: He was invited to lead the Sidney Academy of Photography. He has published in all major Hungarian journals (Fotóművészet, Fotó Amatőr, Fotóművészeti Hírek, Fotószemle, Fotóélet, Fotó), but he also worked for Kodak Magazine, Gebrauchsfotografie, Fotografische Rundschaun, Gevaert Photo-Service.
Exhibitions:The American Annual of Photography published by American Photography in 1940 compiled the list of exhibitors, who are the most represented in 1939. Between 2000 names Tibor Csörgeő was among the first 20.
1933-1950: He attended 446 exhibitions, where 1240 photographs were exhibited. He won 30 gold, 33 silver medals. The number of lower fees and diplomas exceeded one hundred.
1933-1939: During his most active period his photographs were visible at all important exhibitions in the world, his awards, diplomas and coins filled a full cupboard.
Honors:He received a state grand prize for his colorful slides, 1942, EFIAP 1957.
His books:A negatív helyes megvilágítása. Az expozíció.Műlet Publisher, Budapest, 1958, Szöllősy-Csörgeő: Képmódosító eljárások.Műlet Publisher, Budapest, 1965, Sevcsik-Csörgeő: Fotóhibák Műszaki Publisher, Budapest, 1967., A fényképezés gyakorlata.Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest, (3 editions) 1960, 1961, 1972.
Literature:(- fazekas): Tibor Csörgeő: Masters of amateur photography.Magyarság, 16. 02.1936, Von Lala Aufsberg: Was ich in Ungarn sah und erlebte. Photofreund, 20.12.1936., XVI. Vol. 24, (-): Values of Hungarian photo culture. Photo review, 05.11.1938, p.117-118. (-): Dr. Tibor Csörgeő: Photo Life, 1943, p. 24, Emil Szegedi: Masters of Hungarian Photography. Tibor Csörgeő: Photo, p.298-305, 1966, (necrologist) Photography, 1968.