Clarity, Conciseness, Transcendence

20 April 2000 - 30 April 2000
Clarity, Conciseness, Transcendence exhibited a very important trend of my collection - presenting my artistic judgement, revealing a human viewpoint, a way of seeing art, an approach, but not in terms of 'isms' and schools. In contrast to the dynamic world of the previous exhibition of the Kieselbach Gallery (The Eight and the Activists) there now unfolded a quiet, aethereal world. The exhibited collection was made of nearly 150 pictures by courtesy of seven museums and by permission of 10 private collectors. For the first time works of the dramatic spirit by Lajos Vajda, István Nagy, János Tornyai, József Koszta, Gyula Rudnay, József Egry, Endre Bálint, Erzsébet Vaszkó, Dezső Korniss, György Román and Jenő Barcsay were on show side by side owing to my careful selection and arrangement of these puritan works of art.