Cangiante - Colour Shifting - Exhibition of Ilona Keserü Ilona

26 October 2012 - 10 November 2012
Kieselbach Gallery is delighted to present the series of Ilona Keserü Ilona’s latest paintings that were inspired by researches of the parallel harmonies in music and in colours.
„Cangiante – an expression of Arabic origin – means colour-shifting, a play with colours. The neighbouring colours of Cangiante are often harsh in contrast, their system is not logical, but rather based on personal preference of colour. For the painter they create a feeling of newly found, vibrant, colour-shifting harmony. It is important that non-complementary colours pair with each other. Some argue that the Cangiante colour system not only preceeded but even transcended the power of colour and light discovered by the Impressionists. This colour scheme has been the subject of my researches in painting practice and colour theory since 2001.” (Ilona Keserü Ilona)
The exhibition will be open from 27th October 2012 until 10th November 2012.
The vernissage will be at 17.00 on 26th October 2012.
The exhibiton will be laureated by Géza Perneczky, Art Historian.
(In the promotion of the opening page a detail of Ilona Keserü Ilona's Cangiante Hangok / Cangiante Sounds, 2011, on this page a detail of Ilona Keserü Ilona: Régi képeim Párizsban / My old painting in Paris, 2010 is used.)