26th Auction Auction Date: 12 October 2004, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Vígszínház (Budapest XIII. Szent István krt. 14. On view: On view: 15-27 April, 2004, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) Exhibitions Visit our auction exhibition to view the paintings on sale! Date: 30 September 2004. - October 11. Conditions of Sale Location: 26th Auction 12. 10. 2004. All Aba-Novák, Vilmos Amerling, Friedrich von Bachrach-Barreé, Emmanuel Balázs, János Bálint, Endre Bán, Béla Barcsay, Jenő Barta, Mária Bartl, József Basch, Andor Basilides, Barna Batthyány, Gyula Béli Vörös, Ernő Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernard, Delphine Bernáth, Aurél Bertalan, Albert Boemm, Ritta Böhm, Pál Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Brodszky, Sándor Bruck, Lajos Brunner, Hans Burnitz, Peter Csánky, Dénes Csók, István Czóbel, Béla Czölder, Dezső Deák Ébner, Lajos Derkovits, Gyula Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Donát, János Dutch painter, 17th century Dutch painter, 18th century Egry, József Erdélyi, Ferenc Farkasházy, Miklós Fényes, Adolf Frank, Frigyes Fried, Pál Gaál, Ferenc Gábor, Jenő German painter, 18th century German painter, late 18th century Glatz, Oszkár Gruber, Karl Franz Gulácsy, Lajos Gyárfás, Jenő Gyenes, Gitta Györgyi-Giergl, Alajos Halápy, János Hanna, Melánia (Hanna Mela) Háry, Gyula Hatvany, Ferenc Henrik Neugeboren Iványi Grünwald, Béla Izsák Sipos, Szilárd Járitz, Józsa Jaschik, Álmos, Kacziány, Aladár Kádár, Béla Kádár, Géza Karlovszky, Bertalan Klein, József Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kollerich, István Kovács, Mihály Kunffy, Lajos László, Fülöp Ligeti, Antal Lotz, Károly Mácsai, István Márffy, Ödön Margitay, Tihamér Markó, Károly sr. Mattioni, Eszter (Hollósné, Hollós Mattioni E Mattis Teutsch, János Mednyánszky, László Mészöly, Géza Modrovich, Gábor Molnár C., Pál Molnár, József Munkácsy, Mihály Nagy, Dániel Ferenc Nagy, Oszkár North-Italian painter, around 1700 North-Italian painter, Late 18th century Nyilasy, Sándor Orbán, Dezső Painter from Vienna, between 1870-1890 Patkó, Károly Pauser, Sergius Peitler, István Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Poll, Hugó Pólya, Tibor Pór, Bertalan Püttner, Joseph Carl Bartholomeus Rippl-Rónai, József Róna, Klára Rudnay, Gyula Ruzicskay, György Schadl, János Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand signed as Charles Benoit Simon, György János Szabó, Gyula Szabó, Vladimir Székely, Bertalan Szemlér, Mihály Szenes, Fülöp Szinyei Merse, Pál Szőnyi, István Telepy, Károly Than, Mór The circle of Courtois Jacques (Le Bourgignon Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Udvary, Pál Unknown Italian painter, about 1700 Unknown painter, second half of the 19th cent Vajda, Lajos Váli, Dezső Vass, Elemér Vastagh, Géza Vaszary, János Vén, Emil Vörös, Géza Widder, Félix Zichy, Mihály HUF EUR i All 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Name Lot number All Animals City History Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Mythology Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back12345Next 2. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Still Life with Green Glass Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Florence Starting price: 180 000 Ft 4. Nyilasy, Sándor (1873 - 1934) Rowers Starting price: 450 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) Verandah on the Beach with Sailing Boats in the Background Starting price: 160 000 Ft 6. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Walk in the Tabán Starting price: 350 000 Ft 7. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Snowy Mountain Peaks Starting price: 120 000 Ft 8. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 300 000 Ft 9. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Town Starting price: 250 000 Ft 10. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) City Lights Starting price: 450 000 Ft 11. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) The Embankment of the Danube with Barges Starting price: 120 000 Ft 12. Peitler, István (1902 - 1943) Townscape, about 1930 Starting price: 350 000 Ft 13. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Mother and Child Starting price: 60 000 Ft 14. Klein, József (1896 - 1945) In a Café in Paris Starting price: 340 000 Ft 15. Gaál, Ferenc (1891 - 1956) In the Park Starting price: 90 000 Ft 16. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Detail of a Garden Starting price: 550 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Park Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft 18. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The River Danube by Zebegény Starting price: 160 000 Ft 19. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) The Snow-Covered Tabán Lit by the Setting Sun Starting price: 750 000 Ft 20. Böhm, Pál (1839 - 1905) Memories of the Puszta Starting price: 450 000 Ft 21. Gruber, Karl Franz (1803 - 1845) Still Life with Bird Nest Starting price: 800 000 Ft 22. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) Self-Portrait by the Window Starting price: 300 000 Ft 23. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) By the Window, second half of the 1930s Starting price: 850 000 Ft 24. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Cabaret, second half of the 1920s Starting price: 6 500 000 Ft 25. Nagy, Oszkár (1883 - 1965) Street in Nagybánya Starting price: 380 000 Ft 26. Kádár, Géza (1878 - 1952) Autumn Mood Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Mountains in Hidegkút Starting price: 650 000 Ft 28. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Spring (Budafok) Starting price: 450 000 Ft 29. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Madonna in Florence Starting price: 280 000 Ft 30. Frank, Frigyes (1890 - 1976) Red Shoulder Scarf Starting price: 650 000 Ft 31. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Horse Polo Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Park by Twilight Starting price: 380 000 Ft 33. Brodszky, Sándor (1819 - 1901) Mountain Brook in the Mountain Tatra Starting price: 120 000 Ft 34. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) The Bend of the Tisza by Szolnok Starting price: 800 000 Ft 36. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Spring in Nagybánya Starting price: 600 000 Ft 37. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) The Portrait of Ilona Krúdy Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft 38. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Bather Starting price: 280 000 Ft 39. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Nudes by the Fountain Starting price: 750 000 Ft 40. Deák Ébner, Lajos (1850 - 1934) Market in Szolnok Starting price: 300 000 Ft 41. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) In the Open-Air, early 1910s Starting price: 550 000 Ft 42. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Morcote by the Lake Lugano Starting price: 240 000 Ft 44. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) By the Lake Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 45. Margitay, Tihamér (1859 - 1922) In the Saloon Starting price: 220 000 Ft 46. Szenes, Fülöp (1863 - 1944) Woman in a Hat with a Bunch of Flowers Starting price: 650 000 Ft 47. Kacziány, Aladár (1887 - 1978) Dante's Dream Starting price: 1 600 000 Ft 48. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) On the Hillside Starting price: 380 000 Ft 49. Jaschik, Álmos, (1885 - 1950) The Marrow-Plantation, 1927 Starting price: 650 000 Ft 50. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Lovers Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 51. Fried, Pál (1893 - 1976) Crowd in the Port Starting price: 150 000 Ft 52. Poll, Hugó (1867 - 1931) Ships Starting price: 450 000 Ft 53. Widder, Félix (1874 - 1939) Landscape with a Smalll Brook and a Bridge Starting price: 90 000 Ft Back12345Next 26th Auction's details Exhibition: 5-27 April, 2004, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
26th Auction 12. 10. 2004. All Aba-Novák, Vilmos Amerling, Friedrich von Bachrach-Barreé, Emmanuel Balázs, János Bálint, Endre Bán, Béla Barcsay, Jenő Barta, Mária Bartl, József Basch, Andor Basilides, Barna Batthyány, Gyula Béli Vörös, Ernő Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernard, Delphine Bernáth, Aurél Bertalan, Albert Boemm, Ritta Böhm, Pál Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Brodszky, Sándor Bruck, Lajos Brunner, Hans Burnitz, Peter Csánky, Dénes Csók, István Czóbel, Béla Czölder, Dezső Deák Ébner, Lajos Derkovits, Gyula Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Donát, János Dutch painter, 17th century Dutch painter, 18th century Egry, József Erdélyi, Ferenc Farkasházy, Miklós Fényes, Adolf Frank, Frigyes Fried, Pál Gaál, Ferenc Gábor, Jenő German painter, 18th century German painter, late 18th century Glatz, Oszkár Gruber, Karl Franz Gulácsy, Lajos Gyárfás, Jenő Gyenes, Gitta Györgyi-Giergl, Alajos Halápy, János Hanna, Melánia (Hanna Mela) Háry, Gyula Hatvany, Ferenc Henrik Neugeboren Iványi Grünwald, Béla Izsák Sipos, Szilárd Járitz, Józsa Jaschik, Álmos, Kacziány, Aladár Kádár, Béla Kádár, Géza Karlovszky, Bertalan Klein, József Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kollerich, István Kovács, Mihály Kunffy, Lajos László, Fülöp Ligeti, Antal Lotz, Károly Mácsai, István Márffy, Ödön Margitay, Tihamér Markó, Károly sr. Mattioni, Eszter (Hollósné, Hollós Mattioni E Mattis Teutsch, János Mednyánszky, László Mészöly, Géza Modrovich, Gábor Molnár C., Pál Molnár, József Munkácsy, Mihály Nagy, Dániel Ferenc Nagy, Oszkár North-Italian painter, around 1700 North-Italian painter, Late 18th century Nyilasy, Sándor Orbán, Dezső Painter from Vienna, between 1870-1890 Patkó, Károly Pauser, Sergius Peitler, István Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Poll, Hugó Pólya, Tibor Pór, Bertalan Püttner, Joseph Carl Bartholomeus Rippl-Rónai, József Róna, Klára Rudnay, Gyula Ruzicskay, György Schadl, János Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand signed as Charles Benoit Simon, György János Szabó, Gyula Szabó, Vladimir Székely, Bertalan Szemlér, Mihály Szenes, Fülöp Szinyei Merse, Pál Szőnyi, István Telepy, Károly Than, Mór The circle of Courtois Jacques (Le Bourgignon Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Udvary, Pál Unknown Italian painter, about 1700 Unknown painter, second half of the 19th cent Vajda, Lajos Váli, Dezső Vass, Elemér Vastagh, Géza Vaszary, János Vén, Emil Vörös, Géza Widder, Félix Zichy, Mihály HUF EUR i All 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Name Lot number All Animals City History Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Mythology Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back12345Next 2. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Still Life with Green Glass Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Florence Starting price: 180 000 Ft 4. Nyilasy, Sándor (1873 - 1934) Rowers Starting price: 450 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) Verandah on the Beach with Sailing Boats in the Background Starting price: 160 000 Ft 6. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Walk in the Tabán Starting price: 350 000 Ft 7. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Snowy Mountain Peaks Starting price: 120 000 Ft 8. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 300 000 Ft 9. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Town Starting price: 250 000 Ft 10. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) City Lights Starting price: 450 000 Ft 11. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) The Embankment of the Danube with Barges Starting price: 120 000 Ft 12. Peitler, István (1902 - 1943) Townscape, about 1930 Starting price: 350 000 Ft 13. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Mother and Child Starting price: 60 000 Ft 14. Klein, József (1896 - 1945) In a Café in Paris Starting price: 340 000 Ft 15. Gaál, Ferenc (1891 - 1956) In the Park Starting price: 90 000 Ft 16. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Detail of a Garden Starting price: 550 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Park Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft 18. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The River Danube by Zebegény Starting price: 160 000 Ft 19. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) The Snow-Covered Tabán Lit by the Setting Sun Starting price: 750 000 Ft 20. Böhm, Pál (1839 - 1905) Memories of the Puszta Starting price: 450 000 Ft 21. Gruber, Karl Franz (1803 - 1845) Still Life with Bird Nest Starting price: 800 000 Ft 22. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) Self-Portrait by the Window Starting price: 300 000 Ft 23. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) By the Window, second half of the 1930s Starting price: 850 000 Ft 24. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Cabaret, second half of the 1920s Starting price: 6 500 000 Ft 25. Nagy, Oszkár (1883 - 1965) Street in Nagybánya Starting price: 380 000 Ft 26. Kádár, Géza (1878 - 1952) Autumn Mood Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Mountains in Hidegkút Starting price: 650 000 Ft 28. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Spring (Budafok) Starting price: 450 000 Ft 29. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Madonna in Florence Starting price: 280 000 Ft 30. Frank, Frigyes (1890 - 1976) Red Shoulder Scarf Starting price: 650 000 Ft 31. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Horse Polo Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Park by Twilight Starting price: 380 000 Ft 33. Brodszky, Sándor (1819 - 1901) Mountain Brook in the Mountain Tatra Starting price: 120 000 Ft 34. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) The Bend of the Tisza by Szolnok Starting price: 800 000 Ft 36. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Spring in Nagybánya Starting price: 600 000 Ft 37. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) The Portrait of Ilona Krúdy Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft 38. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Bather Starting price: 280 000 Ft 39. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Nudes by the Fountain Starting price: 750 000 Ft 40. Deák Ébner, Lajos (1850 - 1934) Market in Szolnok Starting price: 300 000 Ft 41. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) In the Open-Air, early 1910s Starting price: 550 000 Ft 42. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Morcote by the Lake Lugano Starting price: 240 000 Ft 44. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) By the Lake Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 45. Margitay, Tihamér (1859 - 1922) In the Saloon Starting price: 220 000 Ft 46. Szenes, Fülöp (1863 - 1944) Woman in a Hat with a Bunch of Flowers Starting price: 650 000 Ft 47. Kacziány, Aladár (1887 - 1978) Dante's Dream Starting price: 1 600 000 Ft 48. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) On the Hillside Starting price: 380 000 Ft 49. Jaschik, Álmos, (1885 - 1950) The Marrow-Plantation, 1927 Starting price: 650 000 Ft 50. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Lovers Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 51. Fried, Pál (1893 - 1976) Crowd in the Port Starting price: 150 000 Ft 52. Poll, Hugó (1867 - 1931) Ships Starting price: 450 000 Ft 53. Widder, Félix (1874 - 1939) Landscape with a Smalll Brook and a Bridge Starting price: 90 000 Ft Back12345Next
Back12345Next 2. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Still Life with Green Glass Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Florence Starting price: 180 000 Ft 4. Nyilasy, Sándor (1873 - 1934) Rowers Starting price: 450 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) Verandah on the Beach with Sailing Boats in the Background Starting price: 160 000 Ft 6. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Walk in the Tabán Starting price: 350 000 Ft 7. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Snowy Mountain Peaks Starting price: 120 000 Ft 8. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 300 000 Ft 9. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Town Starting price: 250 000 Ft 10. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) City Lights Starting price: 450 000 Ft 11. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) The Embankment of the Danube with Barges Starting price: 120 000 Ft 12. Peitler, István (1902 - 1943) Townscape, about 1930 Starting price: 350 000 Ft 13. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Mother and Child Starting price: 60 000 Ft 14. Klein, József (1896 - 1945) In a Café in Paris Starting price: 340 000 Ft 15. Gaál, Ferenc (1891 - 1956) In the Park Starting price: 90 000 Ft 16. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Detail of a Garden Starting price: 550 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Park Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft 18. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) The River Danube by Zebegény Starting price: 160 000 Ft 19. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) The Snow-Covered Tabán Lit by the Setting Sun Starting price: 750 000 Ft 20. Böhm, Pál (1839 - 1905) Memories of the Puszta Starting price: 450 000 Ft 21. Gruber, Karl Franz (1803 - 1845) Still Life with Bird Nest Starting price: 800 000 Ft 22. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) Self-Portrait by the Window Starting price: 300 000 Ft 23. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) By the Window, second half of the 1930s Starting price: 850 000 Ft 24. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Cabaret, second half of the 1920s Starting price: 6 500 000 Ft 25. Nagy, Oszkár (1883 - 1965) Street in Nagybánya Starting price: 380 000 Ft 26. Kádár, Géza (1878 - 1952) Autumn Mood Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Mountains in Hidegkút Starting price: 650 000 Ft 28. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Spring (Budafok) Starting price: 450 000 Ft 29. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Madonna in Florence Starting price: 280 000 Ft 30. Frank, Frigyes (1890 - 1976) Red Shoulder Scarf Starting price: 650 000 Ft 31. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Horse Polo Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) Park by Twilight Starting price: 380 000 Ft 33. Brodszky, Sándor (1819 - 1901) Mountain Brook in the Mountain Tatra Starting price: 120 000 Ft 34. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) The Bend of the Tisza by Szolnok Starting price: 800 000 Ft 36. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Spring in Nagybánya Starting price: 600 000 Ft 37. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) The Portrait of Ilona Krúdy Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft 38. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Bather Starting price: 280 000 Ft 39. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Nudes by the Fountain Starting price: 750 000 Ft 40. Deák Ébner, Lajos (1850 - 1934) Market in Szolnok Starting price: 300 000 Ft 41. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) In the Open-Air, early 1910s Starting price: 550 000 Ft 42. Háry, Gyula (1864 - 1946) Morcote by the Lake Lugano Starting price: 240 000 Ft 44. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) By the Lake Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 45. Margitay, Tihamér (1859 - 1922) In the Saloon Starting price: 220 000 Ft 46. Szenes, Fülöp (1863 - 1944) Woman in a Hat with a Bunch of Flowers Starting price: 650 000 Ft 47. Kacziány, Aladár (1887 - 1978) Dante's Dream Starting price: 1 600 000 Ft 48. Szabó, Vladimir (1905 - 1991) On the Hillside Starting price: 380 000 Ft 49. Jaschik, Álmos, (1885 - 1950) The Marrow-Plantation, 1927 Starting price: 650 000 Ft 50. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Lovers Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 51. Fried, Pál (1893 - 1976) Crowd in the Port Starting price: 150 000 Ft 52. Poll, Hugó (1867 - 1931) Ships Starting price: 450 000 Ft 53. Widder, Félix (1874 - 1939) Landscape with a Smalll Brook and a Bridge Starting price: 90 000 Ft Back12345Next
26th Auction's details Exhibition: 5-27 April, 2004, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
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Step-by-step We are making Hungarian painting world famous! Certificate of authenticity for every work of art Personal viewing in the gallery Free painting valuation
Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube