2nd Auction Auction Date: 12 December 1997, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Vígszínház (Budapest XIII. Szent István krt. 14. On view: 29 November-11 December, 1997, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) Exhibitions Visit our auction exhibition to view the paintings on sale! Date: 29 November 1997. - December 11. Conditions of Sale Location: 2nd Auction 12. 12. 1997. All Almásy, Aladár Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Barabás, Miklós Basch, Árpád Batthyány, Gyula Belányi, Viktor Bene, Géza Bensa, Alexander von Berkes, Antal Biai-Föglein, István Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Borsos, József Börtsök, Samu Brocky, Károly Bruck, Lajos Camilla, Goebl Wahl Corini, Margit Csók, István Czene, Béla jr. Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Czumpf, Imre Deák Ébner, Lajos Derkovits, Gyula Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Edvi Illés, Aladár Egry, József Ehrler, Luise Max Emőd, Aurél Endre, Béla Farkasházy, Miklós Fáy, Dezső Félegyházi, László Ferenczy, Károly Ferenczy, Valér Feszty, Árpád Frank, Frigyes Fried, Pál G. Volon Gábor, Móric Gadányi, Jenő Gallien-Laloue, Eugéne Gedő, Ilka Gedő, Lipót Glatz, Oszkár Götzelman, Edward Gráber, Margit Gulácsy, Lajos Gyémánt, László Gyenes, Gitta Hansch, Anton Háry, Gyula Heinrich, Ede Henczné Deák, Adrienne Herman, Lipót Hermann, Weimar Graf Hernádi Handmann Adolf Herrer, Cézár Hikádi Erzsébet Horváth, Károly Husovszky, János Illés, Árpád Istókovits, Kálmán Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jándi, Dávid Jaschik, Álmos, Jávor, Pál K. Spányi, Béla Kádár, Béla Karikás, Ilona, Karlovszky, Bertalan Kassák, Lajos Katona, Nándor Kaufmann, Karl Kiss, Rezső Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kondor, Béla Konrád, Ignác Körösfői Kriesch, Aladár Koszta, József Kriehuber, Joseph Kunffy, Lajos Lehel, Mária Liezen-Mayer, Sándor Lotz, Károly Magyar Mannheimer, Gusztáv Márffy, Ödön Markó, Ferenc Markó, Károly jr. Marosán, Gyula Martinszky, János Matysek, Petr. P. Mednyánszky, László Meyer, Antal Mihalik, Dániel Mikola, András Modok, Mária (Czóbel Béláné) Molnár C., Pál Molnár, József Moreau, Adrien Mund, Hugó Munkácsy, Mihály Muzsinszki Nagy, Endre Nagy, István Nagy, Oszkár Náray, Aurél Neogrády, Antal Orbán, Dezső Ősz, Dénes Paczka, Ferenc Paizs-Goebel, Jenő Pál, István Pálinkás, Béla Pállik, Béla Patkó, Károly Perlmutter, Izsák Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Peterdi, Gábor Pirk, János Pittner, Olivér Pólya, Tibor Posselt, M.J. Ramberg, Artur Georg Freiherr von Remsey, Jenő György Révész, Imre Rippl-Rónai, József Román, György Róna, Klára Rónay, Ernő Rudnay, Gyula Ruttkay, György Schadl, János Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand Signed B. Viegers, about 1900 Signed Buttkievicz J. Signed Mariolo Simon, György János Szalay, Lajos Szántó, Piroska Székely, Bertalan Szirmai, Antal Szlányi, Lajos Szobonya, Mihály Szobotka, Imre Szőnyi, István Sztelek, Norbert Than, Mór Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Tolnay, Ákos Tornyai, János Tóth, Menyhért Turmayer, Sándor Ujházy, Ferenc Undi, Mariska Unknown artist Unknown Austrian painter, about 1815 Unknown Austrian painter, about 1845 Unknown Austrian painter, about 1850 Unknown Hungarian painter, 1930's Unknown Italian painter Unknown Italian painter, 17th century Unknown Italian painter, 18th century Unknown Italian painter, about 1700 Unknown painter Unknown painter from Nagybánya Unknown painter, 17th century Unknown painter, 18th century Unknown painter, about 1810 Unknown painter, about 1850 Unknown painter, about 1870 Unknown painter, end of the 19th century Unknown painter, middle of the 19th century Vajda, Lajos Vass, Elemér Vastagh, György Vaszary, János Verboom, Ariaen Hendriksz Vígh, Bertalan Vörös, Géza Wéber, Henrich Willems, Florent Wünsche, Rezső Zemplényi, Magda Zichy, Mihály Ziffer, Sándor Zorkóczy, Gyula HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232b 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321a 321b 321c 321d 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Name Lot number All Animals City Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back1234567Next 1. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) To Mr. Vilmos Kis Starting price: 40 000 Ft 2. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Man Reading by a Lamp Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Small Town Starting price: 160 000 Ft 4. Peterdi, Gábor (1915 - 2001) View form the Mount Gellért Starting price: 50 000 Ft 5. Szlányi, Lajos (1869 - 1949) Queen Elisabeth Monument on the Mount Szabadság Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Berkes, Antal (1874 - 1938) City Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Wünsche, Rezső (? - ?) Boating on the Lake in the City Park Starting price: 350 000 Ft 8. Muzsinszki Nagy, Endre (1886 - 1975) Market Place in Pest with the Market Hall in the Background Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Camilla, Goebl Wahl (1871 - 1965) Violets on Lacy Tablecloth Starting price: 150 000 Ft 10. Unknown painter, about 1870 A Bunch of Roses Starting price: 95 000 Ft 11. Tolnay, Ákos (1861 - ?) White Still Life of Flowers Starting price: 80 000 Ft 12. Henczné Deák, Adrienne (1890 - 1956) Great Bunch of Roses Starting price: 220 000 Ft 13. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Still Life of Red Gladioluses Starting price: 240 000 Ft 14. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) White Chrysantemums Starting price: 240 000 Ft 15. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Tulips Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 16. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nagybánya Starting price: 40 000 Ft 17. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Hills in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 18. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 19. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Autumnal Rainy Fair in Nagybánya Starting price: 650 000 Ft 20. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Nagybánya Starting price: 120 000 Ft 21. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Hillside Starting price: 160 000 Ft 22. Börtsök, Samu (1881 - 1931) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 60 000 Ft 23. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Hikers in Nagybánya Starting price: 180 000 Ft 24. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Flowers on the Verandah Starting price: 180 000 Ft 26. Patkó, Károly (1895 - 1941) Before Bath Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Karikás, Ilona, (? - 1945) Flower Still Life with Apples Starting price: 80 000 Ft 28. Matysek, Petr. P. (1885 - ?) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 60 000 Ft 29. Czigány, Dezső (1883 - 1938) Still Life Starting price: 650 000 Ft 30. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 240 000 Ft 31. Bene, Géza (1900 - 1960) Still Life with View to the Clouds Starting price: 140 000 Ft 32. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Still Life of Flowers with Fruit Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 33. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Madonna and her Child Starting price: 80 000 Ft 34. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Flight to Egypt Starting price: 180 000 Ft 35. Fáy, Dezső (1888 - 1954) Italian Small Town in Spring Starting price: 45 000 Ft 37. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Great Still Life of Flowers (Toscanini Still Life) Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft 38. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Charcoal Carriers Starting price: 350 000 Ft 39. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Water Carrier Starting price: 180 000 Ft 40. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Riding Scene with Flag Waver Starting price: 350 000 Ft 43. Jávor, Pál (1880 - 1923) Lady in Blue Dress Starting price: 80 000 Ft 44. Székely, Bertalan (1835 - 1910) Nun Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 45. Unknown painter, about 1850 Lady in Greek Costume Starting price: 180 000 Ft 46. Unknown Austrian painter, about 1815 Girl Elbowing Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Unknown painter, about 1810 Girl with a Red Scarf Starting price: 120 000 Ft 48. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Allegorical Scene Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 49. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Aquarius Starting price: 50 000 Ft 50. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Hikers Starting price: 60 000 Ft 51. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Afternoon Bath Starting price: 40 000 Ft 52. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Nudes in Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft Back1234567Next 2nd Auction's details Exhibition: 29 November-11 December, 1997, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
2nd Auction 12. 12. 1997. All Almásy, Aladár Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Barabás, Miklós Basch, Árpád Batthyány, Gyula Belányi, Viktor Bene, Géza Bensa, Alexander von Berkes, Antal Biai-Föglein, István Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Borsos, József Börtsök, Samu Brocky, Károly Bruck, Lajos Camilla, Goebl Wahl Corini, Margit Csók, István Czene, Béla jr. Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Czumpf, Imre Deák Ébner, Lajos Derkovits, Gyula Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Edvi Illés, Aladár Egry, József Ehrler, Luise Max Emőd, Aurél Endre, Béla Farkasházy, Miklós Fáy, Dezső Félegyházi, László Ferenczy, Károly Ferenczy, Valér Feszty, Árpád Frank, Frigyes Fried, Pál G. Volon Gábor, Móric Gadányi, Jenő Gallien-Laloue, Eugéne Gedő, Ilka Gedő, Lipót Glatz, Oszkár Götzelman, Edward Gráber, Margit Gulácsy, Lajos Gyémánt, László Gyenes, Gitta Hansch, Anton Háry, Gyula Heinrich, Ede Henczné Deák, Adrienne Herman, Lipót Hermann, Weimar Graf Hernádi Handmann Adolf Herrer, Cézár Hikádi Erzsébet Horváth, Károly Husovszky, János Illés, Árpád Istókovits, Kálmán Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jándi, Dávid Jaschik, Álmos, Jávor, Pál K. Spányi, Béla Kádár, Béla Karikás, Ilona, Karlovszky, Bertalan Kassák, Lajos Katona, Nándor Kaufmann, Karl Kiss, Rezső Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kondor, Béla Konrád, Ignác Körösfői Kriesch, Aladár Koszta, József Kriehuber, Joseph Kunffy, Lajos Lehel, Mária Liezen-Mayer, Sándor Lotz, Károly Magyar Mannheimer, Gusztáv Márffy, Ödön Markó, Ferenc Markó, Károly jr. Marosán, Gyula Martinszky, János Matysek, Petr. P. Mednyánszky, László Meyer, Antal Mihalik, Dániel Mikola, András Modok, Mária (Czóbel Béláné) Molnár C., Pál Molnár, József Moreau, Adrien Mund, Hugó Munkácsy, Mihály Muzsinszki Nagy, Endre Nagy, István Nagy, Oszkár Náray, Aurél Neogrády, Antal Orbán, Dezső Ősz, Dénes Paczka, Ferenc Paizs-Goebel, Jenő Pál, István Pálinkás, Béla Pállik, Béla Patkó, Károly Perlmutter, Izsák Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Peterdi, Gábor Pirk, János Pittner, Olivér Pólya, Tibor Posselt, M.J. Ramberg, Artur Georg Freiherr von Remsey, Jenő György Révész, Imre Rippl-Rónai, József Román, György Róna, Klára Rónay, Ernő Rudnay, Gyula Ruttkay, György Schadl, János Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand Signed B. Viegers, about 1900 Signed Buttkievicz J. Signed Mariolo Simon, György János Szalay, Lajos Szántó, Piroska Székely, Bertalan Szirmai, Antal Szlányi, Lajos Szobonya, Mihály Szobotka, Imre Szőnyi, István Sztelek, Norbert Than, Mór Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Tolnay, Ákos Tornyai, János Tóth, Menyhért Turmayer, Sándor Ujházy, Ferenc Undi, Mariska Unknown artist Unknown Austrian painter, about 1815 Unknown Austrian painter, about 1845 Unknown Austrian painter, about 1850 Unknown Hungarian painter, 1930's Unknown Italian painter Unknown Italian painter, 17th century Unknown Italian painter, 18th century Unknown Italian painter, about 1700 Unknown painter Unknown painter from Nagybánya Unknown painter, 17th century Unknown painter, 18th century Unknown painter, about 1810 Unknown painter, about 1850 Unknown painter, about 1870 Unknown painter, end of the 19th century Unknown painter, middle of the 19th century Vajda, Lajos Vass, Elemér Vastagh, György Vaszary, János Verboom, Ariaen Hendriksz Vígh, Bertalan Vörös, Géza Wéber, Henrich Willems, Florent Wünsche, Rezső Zemplényi, Magda Zichy, Mihály Ziffer, Sándor Zorkóczy, Gyula HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232b 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321a 321b 321c 321d 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Name Lot number All Animals City Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back1234567Next 1. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) To Mr. Vilmos Kis Starting price: 40 000 Ft 2. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Man Reading by a Lamp Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Small Town Starting price: 160 000 Ft 4. Peterdi, Gábor (1915 - 2001) View form the Mount Gellért Starting price: 50 000 Ft 5. Szlányi, Lajos (1869 - 1949) Queen Elisabeth Monument on the Mount Szabadság Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Berkes, Antal (1874 - 1938) City Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Wünsche, Rezső (? - ?) Boating on the Lake in the City Park Starting price: 350 000 Ft 8. Muzsinszki Nagy, Endre (1886 - 1975) Market Place in Pest with the Market Hall in the Background Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Camilla, Goebl Wahl (1871 - 1965) Violets on Lacy Tablecloth Starting price: 150 000 Ft 10. Unknown painter, about 1870 A Bunch of Roses Starting price: 95 000 Ft 11. Tolnay, Ákos (1861 - ?) White Still Life of Flowers Starting price: 80 000 Ft 12. Henczné Deák, Adrienne (1890 - 1956) Great Bunch of Roses Starting price: 220 000 Ft 13. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Still Life of Red Gladioluses Starting price: 240 000 Ft 14. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) White Chrysantemums Starting price: 240 000 Ft 15. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Tulips Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 16. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nagybánya Starting price: 40 000 Ft 17. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Hills in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 18. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 19. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Autumnal Rainy Fair in Nagybánya Starting price: 650 000 Ft 20. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Nagybánya Starting price: 120 000 Ft 21. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Hillside Starting price: 160 000 Ft 22. Börtsök, Samu (1881 - 1931) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 60 000 Ft 23. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Hikers in Nagybánya Starting price: 180 000 Ft 24. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Flowers on the Verandah Starting price: 180 000 Ft 26. Patkó, Károly (1895 - 1941) Before Bath Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Karikás, Ilona, (? - 1945) Flower Still Life with Apples Starting price: 80 000 Ft 28. Matysek, Petr. P. (1885 - ?) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 60 000 Ft 29. Czigány, Dezső (1883 - 1938) Still Life Starting price: 650 000 Ft 30. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 240 000 Ft 31. Bene, Géza (1900 - 1960) Still Life with View to the Clouds Starting price: 140 000 Ft 32. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Still Life of Flowers with Fruit Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 33. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Madonna and her Child Starting price: 80 000 Ft 34. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Flight to Egypt Starting price: 180 000 Ft 35. Fáy, Dezső (1888 - 1954) Italian Small Town in Spring Starting price: 45 000 Ft 37. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Great Still Life of Flowers (Toscanini Still Life) Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft 38. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Charcoal Carriers Starting price: 350 000 Ft 39. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Water Carrier Starting price: 180 000 Ft 40. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Riding Scene with Flag Waver Starting price: 350 000 Ft 43. Jávor, Pál (1880 - 1923) Lady in Blue Dress Starting price: 80 000 Ft 44. Székely, Bertalan (1835 - 1910) Nun Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 45. Unknown painter, about 1850 Lady in Greek Costume Starting price: 180 000 Ft 46. Unknown Austrian painter, about 1815 Girl Elbowing Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Unknown painter, about 1810 Girl with a Red Scarf Starting price: 120 000 Ft 48. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Allegorical Scene Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 49. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Aquarius Starting price: 50 000 Ft 50. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Hikers Starting price: 60 000 Ft 51. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Afternoon Bath Starting price: 40 000 Ft 52. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Nudes in Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft Back1234567Next
Back1234567Next 1. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) To Mr. Vilmos Kis Starting price: 40 000 Ft 2. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Man Reading by a Lamp Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Small Town Starting price: 160 000 Ft 4. Peterdi, Gábor (1915 - 2001) View form the Mount Gellért Starting price: 50 000 Ft 5. Szlányi, Lajos (1869 - 1949) Queen Elisabeth Monument on the Mount Szabadság Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Berkes, Antal (1874 - 1938) City Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Wünsche, Rezső (? - ?) Boating on the Lake in the City Park Starting price: 350 000 Ft 8. Muzsinszki Nagy, Endre (1886 - 1975) Market Place in Pest with the Market Hall in the Background Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Camilla, Goebl Wahl (1871 - 1965) Violets on Lacy Tablecloth Starting price: 150 000 Ft 10. Unknown painter, about 1870 A Bunch of Roses Starting price: 95 000 Ft 11. Tolnay, Ákos (1861 - ?) White Still Life of Flowers Starting price: 80 000 Ft 12. Henczné Deák, Adrienne (1890 - 1956) Great Bunch of Roses Starting price: 220 000 Ft 13. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Still Life of Red Gladioluses Starting price: 240 000 Ft 14. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) White Chrysantemums Starting price: 240 000 Ft 15. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Tulips Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 16. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nagybánya Starting price: 40 000 Ft 17. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Hills in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 18. Sztelek, Norbert (1884 - 1956) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 25 000 Ft 19. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Autumnal Rainy Fair in Nagybánya Starting price: 650 000 Ft 20. Ziffer, Sándor (1880 - 1962) Nagybánya Starting price: 120 000 Ft 21. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Hillside Starting price: 160 000 Ft 22. Börtsök, Samu (1881 - 1931) Landscape in Nagybánya Starting price: 60 000 Ft 23. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Hikers in Nagybánya Starting price: 180 000 Ft 24. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Flowers on the Verandah Starting price: 180 000 Ft 26. Patkó, Károly (1895 - 1941) Before Bath Starting price: 650 000 Ft 27. Karikás, Ilona, (? - 1945) Flower Still Life with Apples Starting price: 80 000 Ft 28. Matysek, Petr. P. (1885 - ?) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 60 000 Ft 29. Czigány, Dezső (1883 - 1938) Still Life Starting price: 650 000 Ft 30. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Still Life of Apples Starting price: 240 000 Ft 31. Bene, Géza (1900 - 1960) Still Life with View to the Clouds Starting price: 140 000 Ft 32. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Still Life of Flowers with Fruit Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 33. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Madonna and her Child Starting price: 80 000 Ft 34. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Flight to Egypt Starting price: 180 000 Ft 35. Fáy, Dezső (1888 - 1954) Italian Small Town in Spring Starting price: 45 000 Ft 37. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Great Still Life of Flowers (Toscanini Still Life) Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft 38. Gyenes, Gitta (1888 - 1960) Charcoal Carriers Starting price: 350 000 Ft 39. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) Water Carrier Starting price: 180 000 Ft 40. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Riding Scene with Flag Waver Starting price: 350 000 Ft 43. Jávor, Pál (1880 - 1923) Lady in Blue Dress Starting price: 80 000 Ft 44. Székely, Bertalan (1835 - 1910) Nun Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 45. Unknown painter, about 1850 Lady in Greek Costume Starting price: 180 000 Ft 46. Unknown Austrian painter, about 1815 Girl Elbowing Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Unknown painter, about 1810 Girl with a Red Scarf Starting price: 120 000 Ft 48. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Allegorical Scene Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 49. Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) Aquarius Starting price: 50 000 Ft 50. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Hikers Starting price: 60 000 Ft 51. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Afternoon Bath Starting price: 40 000 Ft 52. Herman, Lipót (1884 - 1972) Nudes in Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft Back1234567Next
2nd Auction's details Exhibition: 29 November-11 December, 1997, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
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Step-by-step We are making Hungarian painting world famous! Certificate of authenticity for every work of art Personal viewing in the gallery Free painting valuation
Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube