16th Auction Auction Date: 12 October 2001, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Vígszínház (Budapest XIII. Szent István krt. 14. On view: 3-11 October, 2001, every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) Exhibitions Visit our auction exhibition to view the paintings on sale! Date: 03 October 2001. - October 11. Conditions of Sale Location: 16th Auction 12. 10. 2001. All Almásy, Aladár Altorjai, Sándor Anna, Margit Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Barabás, Miklós Benczúr, Gyula Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernáth, Aurél Bortnyik, Sándor Bozsó, János Bruck, Lajos Csernus, Tibor Csók, István Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Ducsay, Béla Ef Zámbó, István Egry, József Erős, Andor Farkas, István Farkasházy, Miklós Fényes, Adolf Ferenczy, Károly Ferenczy, Noémi Galambos, Tamás Glatz, Oszkár Guidici, Luigi de Gulácsy, Lajos Halápy, János Hegedűs, Endre Hincz, Gyula Ilosvai Varga, István Istókovits, Kálmán Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jándi, Dávid Kádár, Béla Karlovszky, Bertalan Keserü, Ilona Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kolozsváry, Zsigmond Kontuly, Béla Korniss, Dezső Körösfői Kriesch, Aladár Koszta, József Laccataris, Demeter Lakner, László Ligeti, Antal Lossonczy, Tamás Márffy, Ödön Markó, Károly jr. Mattis Teutsch, János Mazzag, István Mednyánszky, László Medveczky, Jenő Mészöly, Géza Mezey, József Miklós, György Mikola, András Molnár C., Pál Monostori Moller, Pál Mund, Hugó Nádler, István Nagy, Oszkár Németh, Miklós Orbán, Dezső Paál, László Pap, Géza Pécsi-Pilch, Dezső Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Peske, Géza Raksányi, Rezső Réth, Alfréd Rippl-Rónai, József Román, György Rudnay, Gyula Sassy, Attila Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand Signed Blanche Signed F. Duclerc Skuteczky, Döme Soós, Tamás Szabó, Vladimir Szentgyörgyi, János Szőnyi, István Tihanyi, Lajos, Tóth, Menyhért Unknown Italian painter, 16th century Unknown painter, 19th century Vajda, Lajos Vaszary, János Vörös, Géza Wahorn, András Walleshausen, Zsigmond Willems, Florent Záborszky, Gábor Ziffer, Sándor HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Name Lot number All Animals City Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back1234Next 1. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village street Starting price: 120 000 Ft 2. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village end Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Main square of an Italian town Starting price: 120 000 Ft 4. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 5. Pécsi-Pilch, Dezső (1888 - 1949) View of Florence (Giardino Bobboli) Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian landscape with a bell-tower Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) In the park Starting price: 180 000 Ft 8. Halápy, János (1893 - 1960) Lake Balaton Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft 10. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Homewards on the hillside Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft 11. Szentgyörgyi, János (1793 - 1860) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 13. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Arrival at home Starting price: 550 000 Ft 14. Farkas, István (1887 - 1944) The letter (Late letter, Chat), about 1930 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft 15. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nudes Starting price: 350 000 Ft 16. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Company Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Red-roof houses mirrored in a brook Starting price: 250 000 Ft 18. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 650 000 Ft 19. Guidici, Luigi de (1887 - 1955) Italian landscape, 1915 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft 20. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Among hills Starting price: 650 000 Ft 21. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Landscape with a small bridge Starting price: 180 000 Ft 22. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) The Dome of Siena, 1911 Starting price: 450 000 Ft 23. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Landscape by the Lake Balaton Starting price: 120 000 Ft 24. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Sailing boat Starting price: 800 000 Ft 25. Erős, Andor (1889 - 1915) Kecskemét, 1913 Starting price: 400 000 Ft 26. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Nagybánya Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 27. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 400 000 Ft 28. Csók, István (1865 - 1961) Women in bathing costume, in the park Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 29. Sassy, Attila (1880 - 1967) Nude in the city Starting price: 550 000 Ft 30. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Riverside Starting price: 90 000 Ft 31. Miklós, György (? - ?) At the flower-vendor, 1927 Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) The portrait of József Nyitray, 1899 Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 33. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) In the park, 1909 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft 34. Signed F. Duclerc Landscape with wanderers, 1854 Starting price: 260 000 Ft 35. Laccataris, Demeter (1789 - 1864) Woman, bathing (Hebe) Starting price: 180 000 Ft 36. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) Girl at the shadoof Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft 37. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Clown Starting price: 500 000 Ft 38. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 39. Diener-Dénes, Rudolf (1889 - 1956) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 40. Ilosvai Varga, István (1895 - 1978) Still-life with a checkered mug Starting price: 220 000 Ft 41. Czóbel, Béla (1883 - 1976) Semi-nude in red scarf Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 42. Medveczky, Jenő (1902 - 1969) On the beach of the Danube-side by Szentendre Starting price: 380 000 Ft 43. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Parisian woman Starting price: 120 000 Ft 44. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Nice Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 45. Mattis Teutsch, János (1884 - 1960) Composition Starting price: 5 000 000 Ft 46. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Town, detail Starting price: 80 000 Ft 48. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Mother and child Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 49. Raksányi, Rezső (1879 - 1950) After the ball Starting price: 380 000 Ft 50. Bruck, Lajos (1846 - 1910) Girl in blue dress, with roses Starting price: 800 000 Ft 51. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) Nude in the open-air Starting price: 450 000 Ft Back1234Next 16th Auction's details Exhibiton: 3-11 October 2011 from 10 am to 6 pm Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
16th Auction 12. 10. 2001. All Almásy, Aladár Altorjai, Sándor Anna, Margit Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Barabás, Miklós Benczúr, Gyula Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernáth, Aurél Bortnyik, Sándor Bozsó, János Bruck, Lajos Csernus, Tibor Csók, István Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Diener-Dénes, Rudolf Ducsay, Béla Ef Zámbó, István Egry, József Erős, Andor Farkas, István Farkasházy, Miklós Fényes, Adolf Ferenczy, Károly Ferenczy, Noémi Galambos, Tamás Glatz, Oszkár Guidici, Luigi de Gulácsy, Lajos Halápy, János Hegedűs, Endre Hincz, Gyula Ilosvai Varga, István Istókovits, Kálmán Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jándi, Dávid Kádár, Béla Karlovszky, Bertalan Keserü, Ilona Kmetty, János Kokas, Ignác Kolozsváry, Zsigmond Kontuly, Béla Korniss, Dezső Körösfői Kriesch, Aladár Koszta, József Laccataris, Demeter Lakner, László Ligeti, Antal Lossonczy, Tamás Márffy, Ödön Markó, Károly jr. Mattis Teutsch, János Mazzag, István Mednyánszky, László Medveczky, Jenő Mészöly, Géza Mezey, József Miklós, György Mikola, András Molnár C., Pál Monostori Moller, Pál Mund, Hugó Nádler, István Nagy, Oszkár Németh, Miklós Orbán, Dezső Paál, László Pap, Géza Pécsi-Pilch, Dezső Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Peske, Géza Raksányi, Rezső Réth, Alfréd Rippl-Rónai, József Román, György Rudnay, Gyula Sassy, Attila Scheiber, Hugó Schönberger, Armand Signed Blanche Signed F. Duclerc Skuteczky, Döme Soós, Tamás Szabó, Vladimir Szentgyörgyi, János Szőnyi, István Tihanyi, Lajos, Tóth, Menyhért Unknown Italian painter, 16th century Unknown painter, 19th century Vajda, Lajos Vaszary, János Vörös, Géza Wahorn, András Walleshausen, Zsigmond Willems, Florent Záborszky, Gábor Ziffer, Sándor HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Name Lot number All Animals City Hungary In addition Interior Landscape Life Mundane Nude Portrait Portrait Religion Still Life Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back1234Next 1. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village street Starting price: 120 000 Ft 2. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village end Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Main square of an Italian town Starting price: 120 000 Ft 4. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 5. Pécsi-Pilch, Dezső (1888 - 1949) View of Florence (Giardino Bobboli) Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian landscape with a bell-tower Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) In the park Starting price: 180 000 Ft 8. Halápy, János (1893 - 1960) Lake Balaton Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft 10. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Homewards on the hillside Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft 11. Szentgyörgyi, János (1793 - 1860) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 13. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Arrival at home Starting price: 550 000 Ft 14. Farkas, István (1887 - 1944) The letter (Late letter, Chat), about 1930 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft 15. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nudes Starting price: 350 000 Ft 16. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Company Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Red-roof houses mirrored in a brook Starting price: 250 000 Ft 18. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 650 000 Ft 19. Guidici, Luigi de (1887 - 1955) Italian landscape, 1915 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft 20. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Among hills Starting price: 650 000 Ft 21. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Landscape with a small bridge Starting price: 180 000 Ft 22. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) The Dome of Siena, 1911 Starting price: 450 000 Ft 23. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Landscape by the Lake Balaton Starting price: 120 000 Ft 24. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Sailing boat Starting price: 800 000 Ft 25. Erős, Andor (1889 - 1915) Kecskemét, 1913 Starting price: 400 000 Ft 26. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Nagybánya Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 27. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 400 000 Ft 28. Csók, István (1865 - 1961) Women in bathing costume, in the park Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 29. Sassy, Attila (1880 - 1967) Nude in the city Starting price: 550 000 Ft 30. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Riverside Starting price: 90 000 Ft 31. Miklós, György (? - ?) At the flower-vendor, 1927 Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) The portrait of József Nyitray, 1899 Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 33. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) In the park, 1909 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft 34. Signed F. Duclerc Landscape with wanderers, 1854 Starting price: 260 000 Ft 35. Laccataris, Demeter (1789 - 1864) Woman, bathing (Hebe) Starting price: 180 000 Ft 36. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) Girl at the shadoof Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft 37. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Clown Starting price: 500 000 Ft 38. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 39. Diener-Dénes, Rudolf (1889 - 1956) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 40. Ilosvai Varga, István (1895 - 1978) Still-life with a checkered mug Starting price: 220 000 Ft 41. Czóbel, Béla (1883 - 1976) Semi-nude in red scarf Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 42. Medveczky, Jenő (1902 - 1969) On the beach of the Danube-side by Szentendre Starting price: 380 000 Ft 43. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Parisian woman Starting price: 120 000 Ft 44. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Nice Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 45. Mattis Teutsch, János (1884 - 1960) Composition Starting price: 5 000 000 Ft 46. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Town, detail Starting price: 80 000 Ft 48. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Mother and child Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 49. Raksányi, Rezső (1879 - 1950) After the ball Starting price: 380 000 Ft 50. Bruck, Lajos (1846 - 1910) Girl in blue dress, with roses Starting price: 800 000 Ft 51. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) Nude in the open-air Starting price: 450 000 Ft Back1234Next
Back1234Next 1. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village street Starting price: 120 000 Ft 2. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Village end Starting price: 120 000 Ft 3. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Main square of an Italian town Starting price: 120 000 Ft 4. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 5. Pécsi-Pilch, Dezső (1888 - 1949) View of Florence (Giardino Bobboli) Starting price: 90 000 Ft 6. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian landscape with a bell-tower Starting price: 90 000 Ft 7. Kmetty, János (1889 - 1975) In the park Starting price: 180 000 Ft 8. Halápy, János (1893 - 1960) Lake Balaton Starting price: 180 000 Ft 9. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Landscape Starting price: 80 000 Ft 10. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Homewards on the hillside Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft 11. Szentgyörgyi, János (1793 - 1860) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 13. Mednyánszky, László (1852 - 1919) Arrival at home Starting price: 550 000 Ft 14. Farkas, István (1887 - 1944) The letter (Late letter, Chat), about 1930 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft 15. Jándi, Dávid (1893 - 1944) Nudes Starting price: 350 000 Ft 16. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Company Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 17. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Red-roof houses mirrored in a brook Starting price: 250 000 Ft 18. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 650 000 Ft 19. Guidici, Luigi de (1887 - 1955) Italian landscape, 1915 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft 20. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Among hills Starting price: 650 000 Ft 21. Fényes, Adolf (1867 - 1945) Landscape with a small bridge Starting price: 180 000 Ft 22. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) The Dome of Siena, 1911 Starting price: 450 000 Ft 23. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Landscape by the Lake Balaton Starting price: 120 000 Ft 24. Gulácsy, Lajos (1882 - 1932) Sailing boat Starting price: 800 000 Ft 25. Erős, Andor (1889 - 1915) Kecskemét, 1913 Starting price: 400 000 Ft 26. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Nagybánya Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft 27. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) The Danube Bend by Zebegény Starting price: 400 000 Ft 28. Csók, István (1865 - 1961) Women in bathing costume, in the park Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 29. Sassy, Attila (1880 - 1967) Nude in the city Starting price: 550 000 Ft 30. Farkasházy, Miklós (1895 - 1964) Riverside Starting price: 90 000 Ft 31. Miklós, György (? - ?) At the flower-vendor, 1927 Starting price: 250 000 Ft 32. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) The portrait of József Nyitray, 1899 Starting price: 2 500 000 Ft 33. Berény, Róbert (1887 - 1953) In the park, 1909 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft 34. Signed F. Duclerc Landscape with wanderers, 1854 Starting price: 260 000 Ft 35. Laccataris, Demeter (1789 - 1864) Woman, bathing (Hebe) Starting price: 180 000 Ft 36. Mészöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) Girl at the shadoof Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft 37. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Clown Starting price: 500 000 Ft 38. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Lady in the bar Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 39. Diener-Dénes, Rudolf (1889 - 1956) Still-life Starting price: 450 000 Ft 40. Ilosvai Varga, István (1895 - 1978) Still-life with a checkered mug Starting price: 220 000 Ft 41. Czóbel, Béla (1883 - 1976) Semi-nude in red scarf Starting price: 2 800 000 Ft 42. Medveczky, Jenő (1902 - 1969) On the beach of the Danube-side by Szentendre Starting price: 380 000 Ft 43. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Parisian woman Starting price: 120 000 Ft 44. Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) Nice Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft 45. Mattis Teutsch, János (1884 - 1960) Composition Starting price: 5 000 000 Ft 46. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) In the yard Starting price: 120 000 Ft 47. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Town, detail Starting price: 80 000 Ft 48. Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos (1880 - 1955) Mother and child Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft 49. Raksányi, Rezső (1879 - 1950) After the ball Starting price: 380 000 Ft 50. Bruck, Lajos (1846 - 1910) Girl in blue dress, with roses Starting price: 800 000 Ft 51. Iványi Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) Nude in the open-air Starting price: 450 000 Ft Back1234Next
16th Auction's details Exhibiton: 3-11 October 2011 from 10 am to 6 pm Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar
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Step-by-step We are making Hungarian painting world famous! Certificate of authenticity for every work of art Personal viewing in the gallery Free painting valuation
Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube