76th auction Download catalogue Auction Date: 10 December 2024, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: Budapest Marriott Hotel Exhibitions Visit our auction exhibition to view the paintings on sale! Date: 28 November 2024. - December 9. Conditions of Sale Location: Kieselbach Gallery 76th auction 10. 12. 2024. All Aba-Novák, Vilmos Ács, Ferenc Aczél, Ilona (Óvári Lászlóné) Aggházy, Gyula Ámos, Imre Anna, Margit Aristide, Maillol B. Bélaváry, Alice Balázs, János Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Balogh, András Bán, Béla Barcsay, Jenő Barkász, Lajos Barzó, Endre Basch, Andor Basilides, Barna Batthyány, Gyula Bene, Géza Benkő Katalin Bér, Rudolf Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernát, András Bernáth, Aurél Bihari, Sándor Birkás, Béla Böhm, Lipót (Poldi, Dávid Ferenc) Böhm, Pál Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Börtsök, Samu Börzsönyi Kollarits, Ferenc Bótos, Sándor Bruck, Lajos Bukta, Imre Calraet, Abraham van Corini, Margit Csánky, Dénes Czauczik, József (Czausig József, Zausig, Jos Czencz, János Czene, Béla jr. Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Deim, Pál Derkovits, Gyula Déry, Béla Duray, Tibor Edward Buk Ulreich Ef Zámbó, István Egry, József Erdélyi, Béla Faragó, Endre Fisch, István Frey, Krisztián Fülöp, Antal Andor Gábor, Jenő Gábor, Móric Galambos, Tamás Gara, Arnold Gimes, Lajos Glatz, Oszkár Götz, Béla Ernő Gulácsy, Lajos Gyökössy, Lajos Halvax, Gyula Hencze, Tamás Hézső, Ferenc Honti Parizs, Elza Illés, Ferenc Iris Charlotte Brody Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jakoby, Gyula Jakovits, József Jándi, Dávid Jules, Pascin Juszkó, Béla Kádár, Béla Kaposy, K. Ödön Karoly Fredric Károlyi, Zsigmond Kárpáti, Tamás Kelemen, Károly Kepes, György Kernstok, Károly Keserü, Ilona Király, Gábor Kis, János Kisfaludi Stróbl, Zsigmond Klein, Ferenc Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Konok, Tamás Kontuly, Béla Koszta, József Kosztolányi Kann, Gyula Kovács, Gábor (Gyimesi, Gyimessy) Lehel, István Lehel, Mária Lossonczy, Tamás Lotz, Károly Lovaghy, Dénes Luis, Dubois Mácsai, István Márffy, Ödön Mary, Guggenheim Mattis Teutsch, János Maurer, Dóra Mednyánszky, László Medveczky, Jenő Méhes, Lóránt (Zuzu) Mikola, András Molnár C., Pál Molnár, Vera Móricz, Margit, Nádler, Róbert Nagy, Gábor Nagy, Oszkár Nánay, Szilamér Neugass, Izidor Oláh Mara (OMARA) Orosz Gellért Balázs Ország, Lili Painter from Nagybánya, c. 1910 Paizs-Goebel, Jenő Páll, Lajos Papp, Zoltán Perlmutter, Izsák Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Pór, Bertalan Rafael, Győző Viktor Remsey, Jenő György Réti, István Rippl-Rónai, József Rozgonyi, László Rubovics, Márk Sándorfi, István (Sandorfi, Étienne) Sassy, Attila Scheiber, Hugó Schéner, Mihály Scholz, Erik Schönberger, Armand Schubert, Ernő Szabó, Vladimir Szalay, Lajos Szeift, Béla Szentandrássy, István (Szenty) Szigeti, Jenő Szobotka, Imre Szőnyi, István Tarjáni Simkovics, Jenő Telepy, Károly Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Tornyai, János Tröster, Vera Tull, Ödön Turmayer, Sándor Udvary, Pál Unknown Hungarian painter, about 1910 Váli, Dezső Várady, Lajos Vásárhelyi Kovács Tibor Vaszary, János Vaszkó, Ödön Veszelszky, Béla Völcker, Friedrich Wilhelm Vörös, Géza Wahorn, András Walleshausen, Zsigmond Zádor, István Zemplényi, Tivadar HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Name Lot number Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back123456Next 1. Rubovics, Márk (1867 - 1947) Sailing Boat on Lake Balaton Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 2. Mácsai, István (1922 - 2005) View of Lake Balaton with Tihany, 1970 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 3. Bér, Rudolf (1924 - 2004) Gondolas in Venice (San Marco Square with the San Giorgie Maggiore in the Background), 1960s Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 4. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1982 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) View from the Summer House by Lake Balaton, 1936 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 6. Vörös, Géza (1897 - 1957) Summer Rest, 1943 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 360 000 - 440 000 Ft 7. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Woman Sitting on a Cushion (Self-Portrait), 1940 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 8. Corini, Margit (1897 - 1982) Evening in Paris Starting price: 700 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 9. Börzsönyi Kollarits, Ferenc (1901 - 1963) Street Scene in the City Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 550 000 - 850 000 Ft 10. Paizs-Goebel, Jenő (1896 - 1944) City Covered with Snow, 1929 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 400 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 11. Balla, Béla (1882 - 1965) Sunlit House, 1928 Starting price: 360 000 Ft Estimation: 480 000 - 600 000 Ft 12. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) On the Way Home (Siblings), 1938 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 13. Koszta, József (1861 - 1949) Flowers in Bottles, 1920s Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 14. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Zebegény (Danube Bend) Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 380 000 - 500 000 Ft 15. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Summer in the Castle Garden, 1942 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 16. Mikola, András (1884 - 1970) Italian Landscape (Chioggia), 1913 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 17. Bán, Béla (1909 - 1972) Expressive Landscape, 1939 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 420 000 - 600 000 Ft 18. Bótos, Sándor (1921 - 1997) French Still-Life, 1969 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 500 000 Ft 19. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety (Lady with a Veil), c. 1929 Starting price: 3 600 000 Ft Estimation: 4 800 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 20. Klein, Ferenc (1910 - 1930) View of Óbuda, c. 1930 Starting price: 2 600 000 Ft Estimation: 3 600 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 21. Faragó, Endre (1901 - c. 1943) Artdeco Variety, 1929 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 13 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 22. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Bar Lady in a Berlin Night Club, 1931 Starting price: 4 400 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 10 000 000 Ft 23. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Artdeco City (Rose Hill), 1930 Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 25 000 000 Ft 24. Szentandrássy, István (Szenty) (1958 - 2020) Dream, 2015 Starting price: 950 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 25. Balázs, János (1905 - 1977) Fairy-Tale Teller Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 26. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) Autumn Forest, 1930s Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 9 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Barkász, Lajos (1884 - 1960) Lights in the Forest (Forest Road), 1914 Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 12 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 28. Lovaghy, Dénes (1918 - 1887) Afternoon in Autumn, c. 1918 Starting price: 3 800 000 Ft Estimation: 5 000 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 29. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Self-Portrait with a Hat Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 30. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety with Blue Lights, 1930s Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 31. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Equestrienne in Red Hat, 1930s Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 32. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian Capriccio Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 33. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1988 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 34. Gyökössy, Lajos (1880 - ) By the River Angling Children (Mirroring on the Water), 1953 Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 35. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Garden in Zebegény (Lights of the Setting Sun), early 1950s Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 36. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Pondering Girl, 1930s Starting price: 18 000 000 Ft Estimation: 24 000 000 - 34 000 000 Ft 37. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Bathers on the Lido (Hotel Excelsior), c. 1910 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 38. Painter from Nagybánya, c. 1910 Woman with Hat in the Park Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 39. Thorma, János (1870 - 1937) Woman Reading Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 40. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Park in Nagybánya (Liget Restaurant in Nagybánya), c. 1906 Starting price: 32 000 000 Ft Estimation: 40 000 000 - 65 000 000 Ft 41. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Woman Bathig Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 900 000 Ft 42. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Self-Portrait by the Window, early 1950s Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 43. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Landscape in Zebegény with a Train, late 1920s Starting price: 24 000 000 Ft Estimation: 30 000 000 - 42 000 000 Ft 44. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Island of Dreams, 1978 Starting price: 850 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 900 000 Ft 45. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Self-Portrait (Two Fates), 1937 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 46. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Still-Life (Still-Life with two Potatoes), 1941 Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 14 000 000 Ft 47. Ámos, Imre (1907 - 1944) Dream, c. 1930 Starting price: 4 600 000 Ft Estimation: 5 500 000 - 9 500 000 Ft 48. Balogh, András (1919 - 1992) Tea-Time by Lake Balaton Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 49. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) By Lake Balaton Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 850 000 Ft 50. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Sun-Rise by Taormina (Taormina I.), 1930 Starting price: 55 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 95 000 000 Ft Back123456Next 76th auction's details Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar Attend the Facebook Event Attend
76th auction 10. 12. 2024. All Aba-Novák, Vilmos Ács, Ferenc Aczél, Ilona (Óvári Lászlóné) Aggházy, Gyula Ámos, Imre Anna, Margit Aristide, Maillol B. Bélaváry, Alice Balázs, János Bálint, Endre Balla, Béla Balogh, András Bán, Béla Barcsay, Jenő Barkász, Lajos Barzó, Endre Basch, Andor Basilides, Barna Batthyány, Gyula Bene, Géza Benkő Katalin Bér, Rudolf Berény, Róbert Berkes, Antal Bernát, András Bernáth, Aurél Bihari, Sándor Birkás, Béla Böhm, Lipót (Poldi, Dávid Ferenc) Böhm, Pál Boldizsár, István Boromisza, Tibor Börtsök, Samu Börzsönyi Kollarits, Ferenc Bótos, Sándor Bruck, Lajos Bukta, Imre Calraet, Abraham van Corini, Margit Csánky, Dénes Czauczik, József (Czausig József, Zausig, Jos Czencz, János Czene, Béla jr. Czigány, Dezső Czóbel, Béla Deim, Pál Derkovits, Gyula Déry, Béla Duray, Tibor Edward Buk Ulreich Ef Zámbó, István Egry, József Erdélyi, Béla Faragó, Endre Fisch, István Frey, Krisztián Fülöp, Antal Andor Gábor, Jenő Gábor, Móric Galambos, Tamás Gara, Arnold Gimes, Lajos Glatz, Oszkár Götz, Béla Ernő Gulácsy, Lajos Gyökössy, Lajos Halvax, Gyula Hencze, Tamás Hézső, Ferenc Honti Parizs, Elza Illés, Ferenc Iris Charlotte Brody Iványi Grünwald, Béla Jakoby, Gyula Jakovits, József Jándi, Dávid Jules, Pascin Juszkó, Béla Kádár, Béla Kaposy, K. Ödön Karoly Fredric Károlyi, Zsigmond Kárpáti, Tamás Kelemen, Károly Kepes, György Kernstok, Károly Keserü, Ilona Király, Gábor Kis, János Kisfaludi Stróbl, Zsigmond Klein, Ferenc Klie, Zoltán Kmetty, János Konok, Tamás Kontuly, Béla Koszta, József Kosztolányi Kann, Gyula Kovács, Gábor (Gyimesi, Gyimessy) Lehel, István Lehel, Mária Lossonczy, Tamás Lotz, Károly Lovaghy, Dénes Luis, Dubois Mácsai, István Márffy, Ödön Mary, Guggenheim Mattis Teutsch, János Maurer, Dóra Mednyánszky, László Medveczky, Jenő Méhes, Lóránt (Zuzu) Mikola, András Molnár C., Pál Molnár, Vera Móricz, Margit, Nádler, Róbert Nagy, Gábor Nagy, Oszkár Nánay, Szilamér Neugass, Izidor Oláh Mara (OMARA) Orosz Gellért Balázs Ország, Lili Painter from Nagybánya, c. 1910 Paizs-Goebel, Jenő Páll, Lajos Papp, Zoltán Perlmutter, Izsák Perlrott Csaba, Vilmos Pór, Bertalan Rafael, Győző Viktor Remsey, Jenő György Réti, István Rippl-Rónai, József Rozgonyi, László Rubovics, Márk Sándorfi, István (Sandorfi, Étienne) Sassy, Attila Scheiber, Hugó Schéner, Mihály Scholz, Erik Schönberger, Armand Schubert, Ernő Szabó, Vladimir Szalay, Lajos Szeift, Béla Szentandrássy, István (Szenty) Szigeti, Jenő Szobotka, Imre Szőnyi, István Tarjáni Simkovics, Jenő Telepy, Károly Thorma, János Tibor, Ernő Tornyai, János Tröster, Vera Tull, Ödön Turmayer, Sándor Udvary, Pál Unknown Hungarian painter, about 1910 Váli, Dezső Várady, Lajos Vásárhelyi Kovács Tibor Vaszary, János Vaszkó, Ödön Veszelszky, Béla Völcker, Friedrich Wilhelm Vörös, Géza Wahorn, András Walleshausen, Zsigmond Zádor, István Zemplényi, Tivadar HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Name Lot number Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back123456Next 1. Rubovics, Márk (1867 - 1947) Sailing Boat on Lake Balaton Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 2. Mácsai, István (1922 - 2005) View of Lake Balaton with Tihany, 1970 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 3. Bér, Rudolf (1924 - 2004) Gondolas in Venice (San Marco Square with the San Giorgie Maggiore in the Background), 1960s Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 4. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1982 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) View from the Summer House by Lake Balaton, 1936 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 6. Vörös, Géza (1897 - 1957) Summer Rest, 1943 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 360 000 - 440 000 Ft 7. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Woman Sitting on a Cushion (Self-Portrait), 1940 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 8. Corini, Margit (1897 - 1982) Evening in Paris Starting price: 700 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 9. Börzsönyi Kollarits, Ferenc (1901 - 1963) Street Scene in the City Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 550 000 - 850 000 Ft 10. Paizs-Goebel, Jenő (1896 - 1944) City Covered with Snow, 1929 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 400 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 11. Balla, Béla (1882 - 1965) Sunlit House, 1928 Starting price: 360 000 Ft Estimation: 480 000 - 600 000 Ft 12. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) On the Way Home (Siblings), 1938 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 13. Koszta, József (1861 - 1949) Flowers in Bottles, 1920s Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 14. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Zebegény (Danube Bend) Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 380 000 - 500 000 Ft 15. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Summer in the Castle Garden, 1942 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 16. Mikola, András (1884 - 1970) Italian Landscape (Chioggia), 1913 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 17. Bán, Béla (1909 - 1972) Expressive Landscape, 1939 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 420 000 - 600 000 Ft 18. Bótos, Sándor (1921 - 1997) French Still-Life, 1969 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 500 000 Ft 19. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety (Lady with a Veil), c. 1929 Starting price: 3 600 000 Ft Estimation: 4 800 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 20. Klein, Ferenc (1910 - 1930) View of Óbuda, c. 1930 Starting price: 2 600 000 Ft Estimation: 3 600 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 21. Faragó, Endre (1901 - c. 1943) Artdeco Variety, 1929 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 13 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 22. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Bar Lady in a Berlin Night Club, 1931 Starting price: 4 400 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 10 000 000 Ft 23. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Artdeco City (Rose Hill), 1930 Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 25 000 000 Ft 24. Szentandrássy, István (Szenty) (1958 - 2020) Dream, 2015 Starting price: 950 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 25. Balázs, János (1905 - 1977) Fairy-Tale Teller Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 26. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) Autumn Forest, 1930s Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 9 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Barkász, Lajos (1884 - 1960) Lights in the Forest (Forest Road), 1914 Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 12 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 28. Lovaghy, Dénes (1918 - 1887) Afternoon in Autumn, c. 1918 Starting price: 3 800 000 Ft Estimation: 5 000 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 29. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Self-Portrait with a Hat Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 30. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety with Blue Lights, 1930s Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 31. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Equestrienne in Red Hat, 1930s Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 32. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian Capriccio Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 33. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1988 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 34. Gyökössy, Lajos (1880 - ) By the River Angling Children (Mirroring on the Water), 1953 Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 35. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Garden in Zebegény (Lights of the Setting Sun), early 1950s Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 36. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Pondering Girl, 1930s Starting price: 18 000 000 Ft Estimation: 24 000 000 - 34 000 000 Ft 37. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Bathers on the Lido (Hotel Excelsior), c. 1910 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 38. Painter from Nagybánya, c. 1910 Woman with Hat in the Park Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 39. Thorma, János (1870 - 1937) Woman Reading Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 40. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Park in Nagybánya (Liget Restaurant in Nagybánya), c. 1906 Starting price: 32 000 000 Ft Estimation: 40 000 000 - 65 000 000 Ft 41. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Woman Bathig Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 900 000 Ft 42. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Self-Portrait by the Window, early 1950s Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 43. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Landscape in Zebegény with a Train, late 1920s Starting price: 24 000 000 Ft Estimation: 30 000 000 - 42 000 000 Ft 44. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Island of Dreams, 1978 Starting price: 850 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 900 000 Ft 45. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Self-Portrait (Two Fates), 1937 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 46. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Still-Life (Still-Life with two Potatoes), 1941 Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 14 000 000 Ft 47. Ámos, Imre (1907 - 1944) Dream, c. 1930 Starting price: 4 600 000 Ft Estimation: 5 500 000 - 9 500 000 Ft 48. Balogh, András (1919 - 1992) Tea-Time by Lake Balaton Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 49. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) By Lake Balaton Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 850 000 Ft 50. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Sun-Rise by Taormina (Taormina I.), 1930 Starting price: 55 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 95 000 000 Ft Back123456Next
Back123456Next 1. Rubovics, Márk (1867 - 1947) Sailing Boat on Lake Balaton Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 2. Mácsai, István (1922 - 2005) View of Lake Balaton with Tihany, 1970 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 3. Bér, Rudolf (1924 - 2004) Gondolas in Venice (San Marco Square with the San Giorgie Maggiore in the Background), 1960s Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 4. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1982 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 5. Basch, Andor (1885 - 1944) View from the Summer House by Lake Balaton, 1936 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 6. Vörös, Géza (1897 - 1957) Summer Rest, 1943 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 360 000 - 440 000 Ft 7. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Woman Sitting on a Cushion (Self-Portrait), 1940 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 800 000 Ft 8. Corini, Margit (1897 - 1982) Evening in Paris Starting price: 700 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 9. Börzsönyi Kollarits, Ferenc (1901 - 1963) Street Scene in the City Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 550 000 - 850 000 Ft 10. Paizs-Goebel, Jenő (1896 - 1944) City Covered with Snow, 1929 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 400 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 11. Balla, Béla (1882 - 1965) Sunlit House, 1928 Starting price: 360 000 Ft Estimation: 480 000 - 600 000 Ft 12. Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) On the Way Home (Siblings), 1938 Starting price: 800 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 13. Koszta, József (1861 - 1949) Flowers in Bottles, 1920s Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 14. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Zebegény (Danube Bend) Starting price: 260 000 Ft Estimation: 380 000 - 500 000 Ft 15. Boldizsár, István (1897 - 1984) Summer in the Castle Garden, 1942 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 16. Mikola, András (1884 - 1970) Italian Landscape (Chioggia), 1913 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 17. Bán, Béla (1909 - 1972) Expressive Landscape, 1939 Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 420 000 - 600 000 Ft 18. Bótos, Sándor (1921 - 1997) French Still-Life, 1969 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 500 000 Ft 19. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety (Lady with a Veil), c. 1929 Starting price: 3 600 000 Ft Estimation: 4 800 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 20. Klein, Ferenc (1910 - 1930) View of Óbuda, c. 1930 Starting price: 2 600 000 Ft Estimation: 3 600 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 21. Faragó, Endre (1901 - c. 1943) Artdeco Variety, 1929 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 13 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 22. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Bar Lady in a Berlin Night Club, 1931 Starting price: 4 400 000 Ft Estimation: 7 000 000 - 10 000 000 Ft 23. Schönberger, Armand (1885 - 1974) Artdeco City (Rose Hill), 1930 Starting price: 8 500 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 25 000 000 Ft 24. Szentandrássy, István (Szenty) (1958 - 2020) Dream, 2015 Starting price: 950 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 25. Balázs, János (1905 - 1977) Fairy-Tale Teller Starting price: 1 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 26. Klie, Zoltán (1897 - 1992) Autumn Forest, 1930s Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 9 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Barkász, Lajos (1884 - 1960) Lights in the Forest (Forest Road), 1914 Starting price: 7 500 000 Ft Estimation: 12 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 28. Lovaghy, Dénes (1918 - 1887) Afternoon in Autumn, c. 1918 Starting price: 3 800 000 Ft Estimation: 5 000 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 29. Lehel, Mária (1889 - 1973) Self-Portrait with a Hat Starting price: 240 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 30. Scheiber, Hugó (1873 - 1950) Variety with Blue Lights, 1930s Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 000 000 Ft 31. Kádár, Béla (1877 - 1956) Equestrienne in Red Hat, 1930s Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 32. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Italian Capriccio Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 900 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 33. Czene, Béla jr. (1911 - 1999) Nude by the Sea, 1988 Starting price: 600 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 34. Gyökössy, Lajos (1880 - ) By the River Angling Children (Mirroring on the Water), 1953 Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 600 000 Ft 35. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Garden in Zebegény (Lights of the Setting Sun), early 1950s Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 36. Márffy, Ödön (1878 - 1959) Pondering Girl, 1930s Starting price: 18 000 000 Ft Estimation: 24 000 000 - 34 000 000 Ft 37. Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) Bathers on the Lido (Hotel Excelsior), c. 1910 Starting price: 3 400 000 Ft Estimation: 4 200 000 - 7 500 000 Ft 38. Painter from Nagybánya, c. 1910 Woman with Hat in the Park Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 39. Thorma, János (1870 - 1937) Woman Reading Starting price: 1 800 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 40. Boromisza, Tibor (1880 - 1960) Park in Nagybánya (Liget Restaurant in Nagybánya), c. 1906 Starting price: 32 000 000 Ft Estimation: 40 000 000 - 65 000 000 Ft 41. Udvary, Pál (1900 - 1987) Woman Bathig Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 900 000 Ft 42. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Self-Portrait by the Window, early 1950s Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 300 000 Ft 43. Szőnyi, István (1894 - 1960) Landscape in Zebegény with a Train, late 1920s Starting price: 24 000 000 Ft Estimation: 30 000 000 - 42 000 000 Ft 44. Molnár C., Pál (1894 - 1981) Island of Dreams, 1978 Starting price: 850 000 Ft Estimation: 1 300 000 - 1 900 000 Ft 45. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Self-Portrait (Two Fates), 1937 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 000 000 - 3 200 000 Ft 46. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Still-Life (Still-Life with two Potatoes), 1941 Starting price: 5 500 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 14 000 000 Ft 47. Ámos, Imre (1907 - 1944) Dream, c. 1930 Starting price: 4 600 000 Ft Estimation: 5 500 000 - 9 500 000 Ft 48. Balogh, András (1919 - 1992) Tea-Time by Lake Balaton Starting price: 460 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 49. Bernáth, Aurél (1895 - 1982) By Lake Balaton Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 850 000 Ft 50. Egry, József (1883 - 1951) Sun-Rise by Taormina (Taormina I.), 1930 Starting price: 55 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 95 000 000 Ft Back123456Next
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Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
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