1st Contemporary Auction Download catalogue Auction Date: 11 November 2022, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: Budapest Marriott Hotel Exhibitions Visit our auction exhibition to view the paintings on sale! Date: 28 October 2022. - November 10. Conditions of Sale Location: Kieselbach Gallery 1st Contemporary Auction 11. 11. 2022. All Ádám, Zoltán Almásy, Aladár Anna, Margit Bacon, Francis Bada Dada Bak, Imre Barabás, Márton Barta, Lajos Berki, Viola Bernát, András Bernáth(y), Sándor Beuys, Joseph Birkás, Ákos Böhm, Lipót (Poldi, Dávid Ferenc) Borgó Csaba Braun, András Bukta, Imre Csáji, Attila Csiky, Tibor Czene, Márta Dóra Ádám Fajó, János Fehér, László feLugossy, László Frey, Krisztián Gábor, Marianne Gedő, Ilka Gresa Márton Gyarmathy, Tihamér Gyula Gulyás Hajas Tibor - Vető János Helényi, Tibor Hencze, Tamás Hincz, Gyula Hopp-Halász, Károly Hortobágyi, Endre Jakovits, József József Kádár Kármán Dániel Károlyi, Zsigmond Kass, János Kassák, Lajos Kazovszkij, El Kelemen, Károly Keserü, Ilona Koncz, Béla Kondor, Béla Korga, György Korniss, Dezső Lakner, László Lossonczy, Tamás Ludmil Siskov Mácsai, István Marosán, Gyula Matzon, Ákos Maurer, Dóra Mazzag, István Méhes, László Melkovics Tamás Molnár, Sándor Mulasics, László Nádler, István Nagy, Kriszta (Tereskova) Orosz, Gellért Ország, Lili Orvos, András Paizs, Péter Roskó, Gábor Sándorfi, István (Sandorfi, Étienne) Seres, László Sikuta, Gusztáv Somogyi, Győző Soós, Tamás Swierkiewicz, Róbert Szabó, Ákos Szemadám, György Szűcs, Attila Szüts, Miklós Tandori, Dezső Tröster, Vera Ujházi, Péter Vasarely, Victor Veszelszky, Béla Veszely,Ferenc Wahorn, András Z. Gács, György (Zartler György) HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Name Lot number Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back123Next 1. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Reflection, 1976 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 2. Marosán, Gyula (1915 - 2003) Composition in Pink Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 3. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Dynamic Structure (Red-Blue), 1971 Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft Estimation: 4 000 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 4. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Anonym Fluctuation, c. 1964 Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 5. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Red Flower Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 650 000 Ft 6. Braun, András (1967 - 2015) Controlled Freetime, 2007 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 7. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Loose Braid, 1986 Starting price: 420 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 8. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Geometric Calligraphy, 1982 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 9. Hopp-Halász, Károly (1946 - 2016) High-stand IV., 1972-1983 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 600 000 Ft 10. Károlyi, Zsigmond (1952 - ) Fourtriangle, 2013 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 11. Tröster, Vera (1942 - ) Colour System, 1980 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 12. Vasarely, Victor (1906 - 1997) Miook, 1985 Starting price: 280 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 850 000 Ft 13. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Built Formation, 1945 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 200 000 - 3 400 000 Ft 14. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) Gyroscope (Playful Vortex), 1975 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 500 000 Ft 16. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Untitled, 1970 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 500 000 - 4 000 000 Ft 17. Kármán Dániel (1991 - ) Elapse, 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 18. Fajó, János (1937 - 2018) Shapes in Embrace, 2005 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 19. Frey, Krisztián (1929 - 1997) 090472 (Kamilla), 1972 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 20. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Out Back (Hommage á Jackson Pollock), 1959 Starting price: 12 000 000 Ft Estimation: 16 000 000 - 28 000 000 Ft 21. Tandori, Dezső (1938 - 2019) Birds departy, 1976 Starting price: 120 000 Ft Estimation: 200 000 - 400 000 Ft 22. Lakner, László (1936 - ) Lettre imaginaire, 1995 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 23. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Sopron, 1961 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 24. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Úri Street Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 25. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) Vajda-Letters, 1982 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 26. Korga, György (1935 - 2002) Diversion, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 10 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Czene, Márta (1982 - ) Proust IV., 2003 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 28. Szabó, Ákos (1936 - ) Crystal, 1960 Starting price: 450 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 29. Veszely,Ferenc (1945 - ) Untitled (5672), 1973 Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 400 000 Ft 30. Bernáth(y), Sándor (1949 - 2012) The Loveliest Tie at the Congress (Dezső Tóth), 1980 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 400 000 - 5 800 000 Ft 31. Ludmil Siskov (1936 - 2024) Astronaut, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 24 000 000 Ft 32. Barta, Lajos (1899 - 1986) Wave, c. 1949 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 33. Melkovics Tamás (1987 - ) Composition 30 (Alloy Series), 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 34. Csiky, Tibor (1932 - 1989) Metal Medals (6 pieces), 1970s Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 35. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Tombstones 2., 1967 Starting price: 48 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 140 000 000 Ft 36. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Boy and Bird II., 1950 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 37. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Composition in Blue and Pink, 1977 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 38. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Angel over Szentendre, 1965 Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 5 500 000 Ft 39. Gyula Gulyás (1944 - 2008) Wrapped Cobblestone, 1974/1983 Starting price: 75 000 Ft Estimation: 120 000 - 220 000 Ft 41. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) The Kazovszkij Iconostasis (The Artwork of Eight Painting) Starting price: 10 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 20 000 000 Ft Back123Next 1st Contemporary Auction's details Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar Attend the Facebook Event Attend
1st Contemporary Auction 11. 11. 2022. All Ádám, Zoltán Almásy, Aladár Anna, Margit Bacon, Francis Bada Dada Bak, Imre Barabás, Márton Barta, Lajos Berki, Viola Bernát, András Bernáth(y), Sándor Beuys, Joseph Birkás, Ákos Böhm, Lipót (Poldi, Dávid Ferenc) Borgó Csaba Braun, András Bukta, Imre Csáji, Attila Csiky, Tibor Czene, Márta Dóra Ádám Fajó, János Fehér, László feLugossy, László Frey, Krisztián Gábor, Marianne Gedő, Ilka Gresa Márton Gyarmathy, Tihamér Gyula Gulyás Hajas Tibor - Vető János Helényi, Tibor Hencze, Tamás Hincz, Gyula Hopp-Halász, Károly Hortobágyi, Endre Jakovits, József József Kádár Kármán Dániel Károlyi, Zsigmond Kass, János Kassák, Lajos Kazovszkij, El Kelemen, Károly Keserü, Ilona Koncz, Béla Kondor, Béla Korga, György Korniss, Dezső Lakner, László Lossonczy, Tamás Ludmil Siskov Mácsai, István Marosán, Gyula Matzon, Ákos Maurer, Dóra Mazzag, István Méhes, László Melkovics Tamás Molnár, Sándor Mulasics, László Nádler, István Nagy, Kriszta (Tereskova) Orosz, Gellért Ország, Lili Orvos, András Paizs, Péter Roskó, Gábor Sándorfi, István (Sandorfi, Étienne) Seres, László Sikuta, Gusztáv Somogyi, Győző Soós, Tamás Swierkiewicz, Róbert Szabó, Ákos Szemadám, György Szűcs, Attila Szüts, Miklós Tandori, Dezső Tröster, Vera Ujházi, Péter Vasarely, Victor Veszelszky, Béla Veszely,Ferenc Wahorn, András Z. Gács, György (Zartler György) HUF EUR i All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Name Lot number Result / Page 4 25 50 150 All Back123Next 1. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Reflection, 1976 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 2. Marosán, Gyula (1915 - 2003) Composition in Pink Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 3. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Dynamic Structure (Red-Blue), 1971 Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft Estimation: 4 000 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 4. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Anonym Fluctuation, c. 1964 Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 5. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Red Flower Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 650 000 Ft 6. Braun, András (1967 - 2015) Controlled Freetime, 2007 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 7. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Loose Braid, 1986 Starting price: 420 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 8. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Geometric Calligraphy, 1982 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 9. Hopp-Halász, Károly (1946 - 2016) High-stand IV., 1972-1983 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 600 000 Ft 10. Károlyi, Zsigmond (1952 - ) Fourtriangle, 2013 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 11. Tröster, Vera (1942 - ) Colour System, 1980 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 12. Vasarely, Victor (1906 - 1997) Miook, 1985 Starting price: 280 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 850 000 Ft 13. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Built Formation, 1945 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 200 000 - 3 400 000 Ft 14. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) Gyroscope (Playful Vortex), 1975 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 500 000 Ft 16. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Untitled, 1970 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 500 000 - 4 000 000 Ft 17. Kármán Dániel (1991 - ) Elapse, 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 18. Fajó, János (1937 - 2018) Shapes in Embrace, 2005 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 19. Frey, Krisztián (1929 - 1997) 090472 (Kamilla), 1972 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 20. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Out Back (Hommage á Jackson Pollock), 1959 Starting price: 12 000 000 Ft Estimation: 16 000 000 - 28 000 000 Ft 21. Tandori, Dezső (1938 - 2019) Birds departy, 1976 Starting price: 120 000 Ft Estimation: 200 000 - 400 000 Ft 22. Lakner, László (1936 - ) Lettre imaginaire, 1995 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 23. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Sopron, 1961 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 24. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Úri Street Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 25. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) Vajda-Letters, 1982 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 26. Korga, György (1935 - 2002) Diversion, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 10 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Czene, Márta (1982 - ) Proust IV., 2003 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 28. Szabó, Ákos (1936 - ) Crystal, 1960 Starting price: 450 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 29. Veszely,Ferenc (1945 - ) Untitled (5672), 1973 Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 400 000 Ft 30. Bernáth(y), Sándor (1949 - 2012) The Loveliest Tie at the Congress (Dezső Tóth), 1980 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 400 000 - 5 800 000 Ft 31. Ludmil Siskov (1936 - 2024) Astronaut, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 24 000 000 Ft 32. Barta, Lajos (1899 - 1986) Wave, c. 1949 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 33. Melkovics Tamás (1987 - ) Composition 30 (Alloy Series), 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 34. Csiky, Tibor (1932 - 1989) Metal Medals (6 pieces), 1970s Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 35. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Tombstones 2., 1967 Starting price: 48 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 140 000 000 Ft 36. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Boy and Bird II., 1950 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 37. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Composition in Blue and Pink, 1977 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 38. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Angel over Szentendre, 1965 Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 5 500 000 Ft 39. Gyula Gulyás (1944 - 2008) Wrapped Cobblestone, 1974/1983 Starting price: 75 000 Ft Estimation: 120 000 - 220 000 Ft 41. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) The Kazovszkij Iconostasis (The Artwork of Eight Painting) Starting price: 10 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 20 000 000 Ft Back123Next
Back123Next 1. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Reflection, 1976 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 2. Marosán, Gyula (1915 - 2003) Composition in Pink Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 200 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 3. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Dynamic Structure (Red-Blue), 1971 Starting price: 3 000 000 Ft Estimation: 4 000 000 - 6 000 000 Ft 4. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Anonym Fluctuation, c. 1964 Starting price: 750 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 Ft 5. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Red Flower Starting price: 220 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 650 000 Ft 6. Braun, András (1967 - 2015) Controlled Freetime, 2007 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 7. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Loose Braid, 1986 Starting price: 420 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 8. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Geometric Calligraphy, 1982 Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 900 000 Ft 9. Hopp-Halász, Károly (1946 - 2016) High-stand IV., 1972-1983 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 2 400 000 - 3 600 000 Ft 10. Károlyi, Zsigmond (1952 - ) Fourtriangle, 2013 Starting price: 1 300 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 400 000 Ft 11. Tröster, Vera (1942 - ) Colour System, 1980 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 12. Vasarely, Victor (1906 - 1997) Miook, 1985 Starting price: 280 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 850 000 Ft 13. Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005) Built Formation, 1945 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 200 000 - 3 400 000 Ft 14. Hincz, Gyula (1904 - 1986) Gyroscope (Playful Vortex), 1975 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 500 000 Ft 16. Hencze, Tamás (1938 - 2018) Untitled, 1970 Starting price: 1 200 000 Ft Estimation: 2 500 000 - 4 000 000 Ft 17. Kármán Dániel (1991 - ) Elapse, 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 18. Fajó, János (1937 - 2018) Shapes in Embrace, 2005 Starting price: 8 000 000 Ft Estimation: 15 000 000 - 18 000 000 Ft 19. Frey, Krisztián (1929 - 1997) 090472 (Kamilla), 1972 Starting price: 6 000 000 Ft Estimation: 8 000 000 - 12 000 000 Ft 20. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Out Back (Hommage á Jackson Pollock), 1959 Starting price: 12 000 000 Ft Estimation: 16 000 000 - 28 000 000 Ft 21. Tandori, Dezső (1938 - 2019) Birds departy, 1976 Starting price: 120 000 Ft Estimation: 200 000 - 400 000 Ft 22. Lakner, László (1936 - ) Lettre imaginaire, 1995 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 23. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Sopron, 1961 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 600 000 - 1 200 000 Ft 24. Maurer, Dóra (1937 - ) Úri Street Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 500 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 25. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) Vajda-Letters, 1982 Starting price: 1 400 000 Ft Estimation: 1 800 000 - 2 800 000 Ft 26. Korga, György (1935 - 2002) Diversion, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 10 000 000 - 16 000 000 Ft 27. Czene, Márta (1982 - ) Proust IV., 2003 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 28. Szabó, Ákos (1936 - ) Crystal, 1960 Starting price: 450 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 29. Veszely,Ferenc (1945 - ) Untitled (5672), 1973 Starting price: 2 000 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 4 400 000 Ft 30. Bernáth(y), Sándor (1949 - 2012) The Loveliest Tie at the Congress (Dezső Tóth), 1980 Starting price: 2 400 000 Ft Estimation: 3 400 000 - 5 800 000 Ft 31. Ludmil Siskov (1936 - 2024) Astronaut, 1969-1970 Starting price: 7 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 24 000 000 Ft 32. Barta, Lajos (1899 - 1986) Wave, c. 1949 Starting price: 320 000 Ft Estimation: 400 000 - 700 000 Ft 33. Melkovics Tamás (1987 - ) Composition 30 (Alloy Series), 2022 Starting price: 650 000 Ft Estimation: 800 000 - 1 000 000 Ft 34. Csiky, Tibor (1932 - 1989) Metal Medals (6 pieces), 1970s Starting price: 440 000 Ft Estimation: 700 000 - 1 400 000 Ft 35. Keserü, Ilona (1933 - ) Tombstones 2., 1967 Starting price: 48 000 000 Ft Estimation: 70 000 000 - 140 000 000 Ft 36. Korniss, Dezső (1908 - 1984) Boy and Bird II., 1950 Starting price: 550 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 800 000 Ft 37. Bak, Imre (1939 - 2022) Composition in Blue and Pink, 1977 Starting price: 500 000 Ft Estimation: 1 000 000 - 1 600 000 Ft 38. Anna, Margit (1913 - 1991) Angel over Szentendre, 1965 Starting price: 2 200 000 Ft Estimation: 3 000 000 - 5 500 000 Ft 39. Gyula Gulyás (1944 - 2008) Wrapped Cobblestone, 1974/1983 Starting price: 75 000 Ft Estimation: 120 000 - 220 000 Ft 41. Kazovszkij, El (1948 - 2008) The Kazovszkij Iconostasis (The Artwork of Eight Painting) Starting price: 10 000 000 Ft Estimation: 14 000 000 - 20 000 000 Ft Back123Next
1st Contemporary Auction's details Conditions of sale Google calendar | In Outlook calendar | To iCal calendar Attend the Facebook Event Attend
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Auction We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. We accept consignments for our next auction We accept consignments constantly for our seasonal sale. Exhibitions Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések... Founded Paintings - Discoveries and Surprises from the Art Trade of the Last 20 Years A Megtalált képek nem csupán egy újabb kötet a magyar festészetről. Bár festmények és róluk szóló elemzések találhatók benne, mégis sokkal több, mint egyszerű művészettörténet: megdöbbentően... Painting valuation We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with... We are looking for You have the opportunity to receive a free valuation at our art gallery. Our gallery's experts will provide you with a complimentary valuation for all paintings, graphic works, statues, and any...
Contact 1055 Budapest, Szent István körút 5. +36 1 269 3148 | gallery@kieselbach.hu Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Follow us! Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube