Jakoby, Gyula (1903 - 1985)
Still Life of Flowers in the Garden, 1930s
We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art
We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art -
Personal viewing in the gallery
After making an appointment in the Kieselbach Gallery in Budapest -
Free painting valuation
Free painting valuation
73x100 cm
oil on canvas
signed lower left: Jakoby Gy.
Provenance: formerly in possession of dr. Zoltán Vécsey's family (Kosice)
61st Spring Auction
/ 10. Lot (2019-05-20)
Starting price: 12 000 000 Ft / 29 806 EUR
18 000 000 Ft- 26 000 000 Ft
/ 44 708 EUR - 64 579 EUR
Attention! The values indicated in other currencies than HUF are for infomational purposes only. The basis of the exchange rate is always the one valid on the date of payment.

For this work of art, we provide certificate of origin!
IRODALOM | bibliography
- Kosice modernism. Kosice Art in the Nineteen-Twenties.
Szerk.: Lena Leskova, Vychodoslovenska Galeria, Kassa,
- Szabó Lilla: Kassai modernek. A két világháború közötti
képzőművészet Kassán. MűvészetMalom, Szentendre,
- Hushegyi Gábor: Száz év művészeti magány. Gondolatok
Jakoby Gyula születésének 100. évfordulója alkalmából.
In.: Kalligram, 2003/3.
- Kilencven éve született Jakoby Gyula. Válogatta és
fordította: Hushegyi Gábor és H. Rudas Dóra. In.:
Kalligram, 1993/3.
Biggest Hungarian painting collection
More than 100.000 Hungarian works of art -
We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art
We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art -
Personal viewing in the gallery
After making an appointment in the Kieselbach Gallery in Budapest -
Free painting valuation
Free painting valuation