Béla Krisch
Critical moment, c. 1950

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28x29,5 cm
gelatin silver
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Themes: School of Kecskemét Play
Subject : Life
Style: Realista fotográfia Dokumentarista
Stamps on the reverse: Sociedad Fotografica Zaragoza, I. Mezinárodni vystava umelecke fotografie,U MIEDZYNARODOWA WYSTAWA 1961, M.N.B. DEVIZA IGAZGATÓSÁG EXPORT 1958/1959/1960, ROSTI PÁL FOTÓKLUB, PHOTO CLUB KECSKEMÉT, M.F.Sz. KIKÜLDHETŐ, KECSKEMÉTI FOTÓKÖR 1950/1958, PREI I-FOTO PRELO, Stickers: MAGYAR FOTÓMŰVÉSZEK SZÖVETSÉGE, 4TH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION KENYA, Inscription: Der entshiedende Schnitt, "Critical moment", "Döntő lépés", Kirsch Béla, Kecskemét Irinyi u. 15, Hungary, loszta+D Z.8 Tessar.bt.5.6 1/2 mp., 3. 500/as nitrafot
c.1948 - c.2000 The Age of Analog Photography
For artistic purposes (can be appear at exhibitions, in art trade, in photo museums, in albums, in publications)
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We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art
We provide certificate work of origin for every purchased work of art -
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Free painting valuation