Szőnyi, István Újpest, 1894 - 1960, Zebegény
He attended the independent school of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts from 1911, and enrolled in the art-teachers training school for 1913 and 1914. He became the pupil of Ferenczy in the independent school of Nagybánya in 1914, and joined his class in the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts as well. For participation in the events of the Hungarian Soviet Republic and belonging to the group of students urging reforms at the Academy, he was expelled in 1920. He moved to Zebegény in 1924, participated in the 1rst exhibition of the newly formed KUT, and taught at the Independent School of the City Centre. He received the state grant to Rome in 1928, when it had just been established, and became a teacher at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1937. During the thirties he took part in artistic life as a member of the Gresham circle. He had a number of monumental commissions, and he published a treatise on drawing and painting techniques. A memorial museum dedicated to him opened in Zebegény in 1967.
Bibliography: Szőnyi István tizenhat képe, ed. SZŐNYI, István, Budapest, Korvin Corona Grafikai Intézet, 1932. o FENYŐ, Iván: Szőnyi István (Ars Hungarica, 3), Budapest, BFF, 1934. o István Szőnyi. Etchings, ed. George KOLLER (Masters of Hungarian Graphic Art, 1), Budapest, Artex, 1956. o VÉGVÁRI, Lajos: Szőnyi István, Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 1962. o Stephan Szönyi. Malerei, Graphik, exhibition cat. (exhibition: Berlin, Staatlische Museen zu Berlin, 1963), ed. PATAKY, Dénes, Berlin, National Galerie, 1963. o GENTHON, István: István Szőnyi (Welt der Kunst), Berlin, Henschel, 1964. o ELEKFY, Jenőné: Tizennégy nyár Zebegényben, exhibition cat., Zebegény, 1970. o PATAKY, Dénes: Szőnyi István, Budapest, Corvina, 1971. o Szőnyi István. 1894- 1960, ed. T. SZŐNYI, Zsuzsa, Róma, Triznya, Mátyás és Zsuzsa, 1982. o Szőnyi István 1894-1960, exhibition cat. (exhibition: Szentendre, Képtár, 1994), ed. K. NÉMETH, Zsuzsa, Zebegény, Szőnyi István Alapítvány, 1994. o KÖPÖCZI, Rózsa: A gra.kus Szőnyi. Aquarellek és gouache-ok, Zebegény, PMMI, 1994. o Szőnyi István bibliográ.a (Pest Megyei Múzeumi Füzetek, Új sorozat, 2), ed. SIN, Edit, Szentendre, PMMI, 1995. o KÖPÖCZI, Rózsa: A gra.kus Szőnyi. Rajzok, vázlatok, tanulmányok, Zebegény, Szőnyi Múzeum, 1996. o VÉGVÁRI Lajos: Szőnyi István Bernáth Aurél, Miskolc, Well-Press Kiadó, 2003.
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