Schiller, Géza Budapest, 1895 - 1928, Budapest
Art history does not have information about his studies and the early part of his career. His works are first mentioned in the reviews of the Műcsarnok (Palace of Art) shows from 1918. He turned up in the circle of young modern artists gathering in the Belvárosi Kávéház (Downtown Café) and with the help of their relations his drawings were published in the periodical Új Szabolcs. In 1919 he emigrated to Vienna before settling down in Kassa (Kosice) in 1920. After four years he moved to Arad, then to Nagyvárad (Oradea) in Transylvania and participated in editing the Avant-Garde periodical Periszkóp, along with György Szántó. In 1925 he had a fresh attack of his tubercolosis and died three years later. Bibliography: ERNYEY, Gyula: A hegyek csak messziről kékek. Schiller Géza 1895(?)-1928 = Felfedezett és felfedezésre váró életművek, Szombathely, Szombathelyi Képtár, 1998.
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