Rudnay, Gyula Pelsőc, 1878 - 1957, Budapest
After early training at the Budapest School of Applied Arts begun in 1893, he went on to Munich, to study at Simon Hollósy's independent school. He spent summers in Nagybánya, and also trained in Rome and Paris. After his return to Hungary in 1905 he went to Hódmezővásárhely, where he formed a strong friendship with János Tornyai. During the First World War he painted the life of refugees escaping the horrors of war, presenting the drama of escape. From 1922 he taught at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts for thirty years. In 1947 he organised an artist colony and school in Baja.
Bibliography: Lázár, Béla: Rudnay Gyula, (Az Ernst Múzeum Művész Könyvei, 5), Budapest, Ernst Múzeum, 1921. o Peterdi, Andor: Rudnay. A mester pályafutása és művészete, Budapest, Peterdi, 1931. o Bényi, László: Rudnay 1878-1957, (A Művészet Kiskönyvtára, 31), Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 1961. o László, Gyula: Sírfelirat Rudnay Gyula emlékére, (Somogyi Múzeum Füzetei, 14), Kaposvár, RRM, 1968. o Rudnay Gyula (1878-1957), exhibition cat., introductory essay by Szatmári Gizella, Budapest, Ernst Múzeum, 2003.
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