Nagy Balogh, János Budapest, 1874 - 1919, Budapest
Though trained at the School of Applied Drawing, the School of Applied Arts and in Munich, he was essentially an autodidact. He did not show his work at any exhibition during his lifetime, making a living as a house-painter in the suburbs of Budapest. His surroundings were his subjects, as were his mother's and his own face. His cycle on construction workers was inspired by the construction sites in his own neighbourhood and the paintings of Millet. He served in the First World War. He first came to attention at the time of the Hungarian Soviet Republic. Famous writers (such as Kosztolányi, Milán Füst, Tersánszky) and critics (such as Artúr Elek, Jenő Bálint) wrote on his art after his death.
Bibliography: ELEK, Artúr: Nagy Balogh János élete és művészete, 1874-1919. Egy ismeretlenül élt festő emlékkönyve, Budapest, Amicus, 1922. o NÉMETH, Lajos: Nagy Balogh János, Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 19601, Corvina, 19802.
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