Lossonczy, Tamás 1904 - 2009
Graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Art in 1926 and then took study trips to Paris and Amsterdam. Attended the department of interior design at the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts between 1929 and 1931. He experimented with spacial constructions at the end of the twenties and gave up painting. He took up the brush again in 1939 with the encouragement of his sculptor wife, Ibolya Lossonczy. Was a member of the Group of Socialist Artists from 1934, joined the European School in 1945 and joined the Hungarian Group of Abstract Artists from 1946 to 1948. He completed his emblematic picture, entitled Purifying Heavy Tempest, which is the summary of his work until then and a major reckoning with his principles, while at the same time leaving a memorial to the revolution of 1956. His pieces on art and notes from his diary have been published.
Bibliography: BOZÓKY, Mária: Lossonczy Tamás (Mai Magyar Művészet), Budapest, Képzôművészeti Alap, 1976. o PATAKI, Gábor: Lossonczy Tamás, Budapest, Új Művészet Alapítvány, 1995. o Lossonczy Tamás, Lossonczy Ibolya, ed. ERŐSS, Nikolett, Budapest, Balassi, 1999.
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