Körösfői Kriesch, Aladár Buda, 1863 - 1920, Budapest
A student of Bertalan Székely and Károly Lotz at the Pattern Drawing School, he attended the Julian Academy in 1894, and made study tours of Italy and Spain during that time. He took part in the decorative work carried out on the Parliament building between 1897 and 1902. He settled in Gödöllő, near Budapest in 1901, and then helped establish a weaver's workshop which was later attended by students from the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts. Articles and techniques of folk art were studied and the material collected during their fieldwork enabled the publication of significant ethnographic literature. Apart from paintings, drawings and applied design art, Körösfői's oeuvre includes a number of murals, such as the wall paintings of the Budapest Academy of Music and the Cultural Palace of Marosvásárhely. A member of KÉVE, he taught at the School of Applied Art from 1913 and organised a group called the Céhbeliek (Guildfellows) from 1914.
Bibliography: Dénes, Jenő: Kőrösfői-Kriesch Aladár, Budapest, Királyi Magyar Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetem Keresztényrégészeti és Művészettörténeti Intézet, 1939. o Keserü, Katalin: Körösfői-Kriesch Aladár, (A Művészet Kiskönyvtára, 116), Budapest, Corvina, 1977.
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