Gedő, Ilka Budapest, 1921 - 1985, Budapest
Ilka Gedő (1921-1985) was a gifted, courageous, independent artist who quietly and compassionately recorded human life and a world of suffering and tumultuous change. The development of her art spans from vivacious childhood drawings through mature graphic works to the world of delicate semi-abstract paintings of exquisite sensibility that deploy colour with an enchanting sense of magic. Ilka Gedő first gained international prominence when her work was presented in Glasgow in 1985 and 1989, and then in New York in 1994 and 1995 with outstanding success. The artist's works are represented in major public collections in Hungary and all over the world.
- Péter György, Gábor Pataki, Júlia Szabó, István F. Mészáros F. István: The Art of Ilka Gedő (1921–1985), Budapest, Új Művészet, 1997
- István Hajdu–Dávid Bíró: The Art of Ilka Gedő, Oeuvre Catalogue and Documents, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2003
- Oeuvre Catalogue of Ilka Gedő
- Die Kunst von Ilka Gedő im Spiegel ihrer Schriften, Notizen und anderer Dokumente:
- The Art of Ilka Gedő As Reflected in Her Writings, Notes and on Other Documents
- Marianna Kolozsváry, András Rényi: „…Half Picture, Half Veil…” Works on Paper by Ilka Gedő (1921-1985), Museum of Fine Arts- Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, 26 May – 26 September 2021
- The Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
- The Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest
- The King St. Stephen's Museum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
- The Art Museum of Szombatheély, Hungary
- The Albertina Museum, Vienna
- The Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
- The Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings), Berlin
- Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig
- Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- The British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings
- Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- Jewish Museum, New York
- Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York State
- Cleveland Museum Art, Cleveland, Ohio,
- The Museum of Fine Arts (MFAH), Houston, Texas
- Yad Vashem Art Museum,
- Israel Museum
- 1965: Sudio Exhibition
- 1980: Gedő Ilka festőművész kiállítása (Exhibition of Ilka Gedő), King St. Stephen Museum Székesfehérvár, Hungary
- 1982: Ilka Gedő, chamber exhibition of the Budapest Palace of Arts at the exhibition venue of Dorottya utca
- 1985: Ilka Gedő (1921-1985), Gallery of the Szentendre Art Colony
- 1985: Ilka Gedő (1921-1985) Retrospective Memorial Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings, Compass Gallery, Glasgow
- 1987: Ilka Gedő (1921-1985), Palace of Art, Budapest
- 1989: Gedő Ilka festőművész rajzai (The Drawings of Ilka Gedő), the Museum of Szombathely, Hungary
- 1989: Ilka Gedő: Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, 1932-1985, Third Eye Centre, Glasgow
- 1994: Ilka Gedő (1921-1985), Janos Gat Gallery, New York
- 1995: Ilka Gedő (1921-1985) Drawings and Pastels, Shepherd Gallery, New York
- 2001: Gedő Ilka rajzai 1948-1949-ből (Drawings by Ilka Gedő from the Years, 1948-1949), Municipal Picture Gallery and the Kiscelli Múzeum
- 2003: Ilka Gedő, Gallery of Raiffeisen Bank, Budapest
- 2004-2005: Gedő Ilka (1921-1985) festőművész kiállítása (Memorial Exhibition of Ilka Gedő /1921-1985/), National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
- 2006: Könnye kovászba hull--Gedő Ilka (1921-1985) kiállítása ("Weep Bitter Tears into the Dough!“ Exhibition of Ilka Gedő /1921-1985/), Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin
- 2013: Ilka Gedő, the Lobby of the Hungarian National Theatre in Budapest
- 2021: „…Half Picture, Half Veil…” Works on Paper by Ilka Gedő (1921-1985), National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
- 1940: Az OMIKE második kiállítása (Second Exhibition of OMIKE, the Hungarian Jewish Educational Association), Jewish Museum, Budapest
- 1943 Az OMIKE ötödik kiállítása (Fifth Exhibition of OMIKE, the Hungarian Jewish Educational Association), Jewish Museum, Budapest
- 1942: Szabadság és a nép (Freedom and the People), the Headquarters of the Metalworkers' Trade Union, Budapest
- 1945: A Szociáldemokrata Párt Képzőművészeinek Társasága és meghívott művészek kiállítása (The Exhibition of the Society of Artists of the Social Democratic Party and of Invited Artists), Ernst Museum, Budapest
- 1947: A Magyar Képzőművészek Szabad Szervezete II. Szabad Nemzeti Kiállítása (The Second Free National Exhibition of the Free Organization of Hungarian Artists), Municipal Gallery of Budapest
- 1964: Szabadság és a nép, 1934-1944 (The Group of Socialist Artists, 1934-1944), National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Memorial Exhibition
- 1995: Culture and Continuity: The Jewish Journey, Jewish Museum, New York
- 1996: From Mednyánszky to Gedő—A Survey of Hungarian Art, Janos Gat Gallery
- 1995: Áldozatok és gyilkosok/Gedő Ilka gettó-rajzai és Román György háborús bűnösök népbírósági tárgyalásán készült rajzai/ Victims and Perpetrators (Ilka Gedő’s Ghetto Drawings and György Román’s Drawings at the War Criminal People’s Court Trials), Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest
- 1996: Victims and Perpetrators /Ilka Gedő’s Ghetto Drawings and György Román’s Drawings at the War Criminal Trials, Yad Vashem Art Museum, Jerusalem
- 1997-1998: Diaszpóra és művészet (Diaspora and Art), Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest
- 1998: A Levendel-gyűjtemény (The Levendel Collection), Municipal Museum of Szentendre
- 1999: Voices from Here and There (New Acquisitions in the Departments of Prints and Drawings), Israel Museum, Jerusalem
- 2000: Directions, Fall Season, Janos Gat Galley, New York
- 2002: 20. századi magyar alternatív műhelyiskolák (Alternative Hungarian Workshop Schools of the 20th Century), the joint exhibition of the Lajos Kassák und the Viktor Vasarely Museums
- 2003: A zsidó nő (The Jewish Woman), Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest
- 2003: Nineteenth Century European Paintings Drawings and Sculpture, Shepherd Gallery, New York
- 2003: Das Recht des Bildes: Jüdische Perspektiven in der modernen Kunst (The Right of the Image: Jewish Perspectives in Modern Art), Museum Bochum
- 2004: Az elfelejtett holocauszt (The Forgotten Holocaust), Palace of Art, Budapest
- 2005: Der Holocaust in der bildenden Kunst in Ungarn (The Holocaust in Fine Arts in Hungary), Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin
- 2014: A Dada és szürrealizmus. Magritte, Duchamp, Man Ray, Miró, Dalí. Válogatás a jeruzsálemi Izrael múzeum gyűjteményéből (Dada and Surrealism. Magritte, Duchamp, Man Ray, Miró, Dalí. A Selection from the Collections of the Israel Museum), joint exhibiton of the Israel Museum and the National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest
- 2016: Kunst aus dem Holocaust, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
- 2019: In bester Gesellschaft--Ausgewählte Neuerwerbungen des Berliner Kupferstichkabinetts, 2009-2019 (In the Best Company--Selected New Acquisitions of the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett, 2009-2019), Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings), Berlin
- 2023: Of Mystic Worlds: Works from the Distant Past Through the Present, Drawing Center, New York, March 8–May 14, 2023, Plate 7 & pp. 38-39
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