Frank, Frigyes Budapest, 1890 - 1976, Budapest
Took up training at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1908, and at the Munich Academy from 1911 to 1914. He painted on the war lines in the .nal years of the World War. A member of the Young Artists Association, the Benczúr Society, the Munkácsy Guild, the Association of Artists and the Society of Hungarian Portrait Painters from the twenties. He took a study tour in Italy in 1925, and lived in Paris in 1926.
Bibliography: M. HEIL, Olga: Frank Frigyes, (Mai Magyar Művészet, 7), Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 1972. o GELENCSÉR, Éva: Frank Frigyes, Budapest, Képzôművészeti, 1987. o RÉVÉSZ, Emese: Frank Frigyes (1890-1976) Egy magyar expresszionista, Szeged, 2003.
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