Farkas, István Budapest, 1887 - 1944, Auschwitz
His father was the owner of a publishing house, a founder of a journal and a collector of art. László Mednyánszky visited his home often, and became Farkas's first teacher. He visited Nagybánya in 1906, spent a short time at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1909, but also studied in Munich and Paris. In 1925 he moved to Paris, attended the company of the Café Rotonde and joined the artistic life. He had successful exhibitions, and collectors such as the American Chester Dale took an interest in him. André Salmon was one high ranking personality who esteemed his work, having written poems for a volume of Farkas's lithographs published under the title "Correspondances" in 1928. Upon his father's death in 1932, he returned to Hungary and took over direction of the Singer and Wolfner company. He set out on the publication of progressive works, a series of volumes on the fine arts. He was hauled to Auschwitz in 1944.
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