Ébneth, Lajos 1902 - 1982
Ebneth Lajos, Lajos von Ebneth, Lajos d'Ébneth
Ébneth Lajos was born in Szilágysomlyó on May 13th, 1902. In 1920 as a chemical engineering student he enrolled at the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts, then at the Academy of Munich he studied painting and sculpture as a disciple of the symbolist Franz von Stuck in his "Meistreklasse". After a brief stay in Dresden and Berlin, he settled down in Holland in 1923. His 1926 collaboration with Kurt Schwitters prompted his shift to constructivism and brought him international fame. From the mid '30s he again created figurative- expressionist paintings and later sculptures, and after several well-received solo sculpture shows in the U.S. he emigrated to Peru in 1949. He has two public statues in Miraflores (Lima) from this period. In the fifties his art again began to move toward abstraction. He died in Chaclacayo (near Lima) on October 14th, 1982.
Kosárka József: A szertelenségre hajlamos Ébneth Lajos, aki sokat elmélkedett - Életrajzi elemek magyarországi, hollandiai és perui éveiből. Erdélyi Művészet, Vol. XI. (2010) 2. 56-66.
Veth, Cornelis: Lajos von Ebneth, N.P. N.D.; 22 PP.; (catalog for the exhibit at the Kunstzaal Kleykamp, The Hague, 1936)
Gruyter, Jos. de: Lajos d 'Ebneth. Studie van een ontwikkelingsgang, Den Haag (A.A.M. Stols-Uitgever) 1946; 29 pp.; with 18 b/w illustrations
Scholten de D'Ébneth, Maria: Lajos D'Ébneth, Retrospectiva 1983, Monografia Scholten de D'Ébneth, Maria: Lajos D'Ébneth, Obra Grafica 1919-1980, Monografia, Grafica Morsom S.A., R.I. No 464, Azangaro 671, Lima, Perú (Editado con ocasion de la Exposicion Restrospectiva en el Centro Cultural de la Municipalidad de Miraflores, Lima, Perú, Mayo 1986)
Ex, Sjarel: Lajos d'Ébneth and the avant-garde, 1923-1933, The rediscovery of a presumed lost contribution to modern art (in Dutch and English) October 2002, Centraal Museum