Dési Huber, István Nagyenyed, 1895 - 1944, Budakeszi
He was forced to leave his studies un.nished in his childhood, to work as an apprentice, then as a day-labourer and .nally a lawyer's clerk in Dés. After World War I he worked as a goldsmith' and silversmith' apprentice at his father's workshop in Dés. He started drawing under the painter Sándor Szopos. In 1921 he went to Pest where he attended the School of Applied Arts and Podolini Volkmann Artúr's Free School. Between 1924 and 1927 he worked as a silversmith in Italy. Upon his return home he became a member of KUT.
Bibliography: DÉSI HUBER, István: A művészetől, (A Művészettörténet Forrásai), ed. OELMACHER, Anna, Budapest, Képzôművészeti Alap, 1959. o DÉSI HUBER, Istvánné: Dési Huber István, Budapest, Képzôművészeti Alap, 1964. o MEZEI, Ottó: Dési Huber, (A Művészet Kiskönyvtára, 72), Budapest, Corvina, 1972. o DÉSI HUBER, István: Művészeti írások, (Esztétikai Kiskönyvtár), ed. TÍMÁR, Árpád, Budapest, Kossuth, 1975. o DÉSI HUBER, István: Levelek a szülôföldre, ed. HUBER, András, Bukarest, Kriterion, 1982. o M. HEIL, Olga: Dési Huber István, Budapest, Corvina, 1982.
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