Csontváry, Kosztka Tivadar 1853 - 1919
Originally a pharmacist, at the age of 27 he received a vision in which he was called as an artist. His formal training in Munich only commenced in 1894. From Simon Hollósy's private school he went on to Karlsruhe and then continued in Paris, at the Julian Academy. Even then he went on lengthy journeys of discovery and study, stopping to paint in Switzerland, Italy and Dalmatia. These travels in search of the great motif, which he sought as the base of his oeuvre, took him as far as the Middle East. In 1907 he exhibited his gigantic canvases in Paris and had a show in Budapest as well, but his true significance was only recognised well after his death. His pictures are on view in an independent museum in Pécs. His diaries, memoirs and ruminations on religious-philosophical subjects from the 1910s are an important aid in the study of his art.
Bibliography: François Gachot: Csontváry, Budapest, Uj Idők, 1944. o Németh, Lajos: Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar, Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 19641, Corvina, 19926. o Pertorini, Rezső: Csontváry patográfiája, Budapest, Akadémiai, 19661, 19972. o Pataky Dénes: Csontváry, (A Művészet Kiskönyvtára, 92), Budapest, Corvina, 1975. o Csontváry-emlékkönyv. Válogatás Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar írásaiból és a Csontváry-irodalomból, eds. Gerlóczy Gedeon, Németh Lajos, Budapest, Corvina, 1976. o Németh Lajos: Baalbek, Budapest, Képzőművészeti Alap, 1981. o Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar: Önéletrajz, (Gondolkodó Magyarok), Budapest, Magvető, 1982. o "Tudni akartam az Igazságot." Csontváry-dokumentumok I. Csontváry-írások Gegesi Kiss Pál hagyatékából, ed. Mezei Ottó, Budapest, Új Művészet, é. n. [1996]. o Csontváry-dokumentumok II. A Gerlóczy-féle Csontváry-kézirat Romváry Ferenc olvasatában, Budapest, Új Művészet, é. n. [1996]. o Romváry Ferenc: Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar (1853-1919), Pécs, Alexandra, 1999.
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