Bene, Géza Csáca, 1900 - 1960, Budapest
As a pupil of János Vaszary and Viktor Olgyay at the BudaPEST Academy of Fine Arts, he received painterly and graphic insipations alike. Mainly a landscapist, he also pained original Neo-Classicist still lifes and ineriors in the latter half of the 1920s. His landscapes display kinship with the Constructivist approach to form, hallmarded later by the names of Jenő Gadányi and Jenő Barcsay, but his primary and profound experience of nature could never be subdued by rational contruction. His works inspired at a time by Szentendre are masculienly concise and lyrical at the same time. In 1980, a commemorativ exhibition of his lifework was staged by the Hungarian National Gallery.
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